kdok123 (小天)
2014-12-28 22:53:35http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_bytecode_instruction_listings
连结为java bytecode instruction listings
getstatic :
get a static field value of a class, where the field is identified by field
reference in the constant pool index (index1 << 8 + index2)
后面括号index1 << 8 + index2 是什么意思?
invokespecial :
invoke instance method on object objectref, where the method is identified by
method reference index in constant pool (indexbyte1 << 8 + indexbyte2)
这边的objectref 是什么意思?
每次只要new的时候都会有这行,是什么原因?(跟instance method的关系?)
invoke virtual method on object objectref, where the method is identified by
method reference index in constant pool (indexbyte1 << 8 + indexbyte2)
每次call method的时候也会产生这行,连自定义的method也是(自定义的method跟
virtual method有什么关系?)