※ 引述《Wahaha1008 (哇哈哈)》之铭言:
: Apple Releases iOS 9.0.1 With Multiple Bug Fixes
: Apple today released iOS 9.0.1, a minor update that introduces
: several bug fixes for iOS 9. The iOS 9.0.1 update comes just
: one week after iOS 9 was released to the public on September 16.
: iOS 9.0.1 is available to all iOS 9 users as an over-the-air update.
: iOS 9.0.1 is a minor update that introduces bug fixes and
: performance enhancements to iOS 9. iOS 9 is Apple's latest
: operating system, which focuses on proactivity and intelligence
: with updates to Siri and Search. It also includes a split-screen
: multitasking feature for the iPad and updates to several
: Apple-branded apps.
: Today's iOS 9.0.1 release precedes iOS 9.1, which will mark the
: first significant update to iOS 9. iOS 9.1 includes new emoji,
: and settings for acclimating the "Hey Siri" activation feature
: to an individual user's voice.
: 看来真的被大家轰爆 一个礼拜就推出9.0.1了
: 来源:http://goo.gl/5UuTkq
9/18 fbi0072004 □ [讨论] iOS 9成为有史以来最多问题的版本?
9/23 fbi0072004 □ [讨论] 9.0问题这么多 还不快推出