销售可能创新纪录,市场对 iPhone 6s 需求强劲
By Chris.L
iPhone 6s 与 iPhone 6s Plus 销售可能比往年差,或许,众多分析师与媒体很快就要改
如果真以为 iPhone 6s 与 iPhone 6s Plus 整体预购比往年差,那我们真的可能大错特
Apple 稍早针对 iPhone 6s 与 iPhone 6s Plus 的预购释出声明,提到两款智慧型手机
的初步销售与需求,在“节奏上”相当有机会打破 2014 年初期,也就是单周 1,000 万
这次 Apple 在 9 月 12 日开放消费者预购,刚过去的周末,初步数据显示在中国、美国
“Customer response to iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus has been extremely
positive and preorders this weekend were very strong around the world. We are
on pace to beat last year’s 10 million unit first-weekend record when the
new iPhones go on sale September 25.
“As many customers noticed, the online demand for iPhone 6s Plus has been
exceptionally strong and exceeded our own forecasts for the preorder period.
We are working to catch up as quickly as we can, and we will have iPhone 6s
Plus as well as iPhone 6s units available at Apple retail stores when they
open next Friday.”
整体来说,消费者对于 iPhone 6s 与 iPhone 6s Plus 的需求大于 2014 年的 iPhone
6 与 iPhone 6 Plus,同时为确保能够满足市场需求,Apple 已经努力让产能跟上脚步。
当然,在 9 月 25 日正式开卖后,Apple 有信心能够打破去年单周创下 1,000 万台的销
iPhone 6s 与 iPhone 6s 加入了 3D-Touch 功能,同时感光元件上有了新的改进,都可
目前,两款智慧型手机已经通过台湾 NCC 认证,至于何时会在台开卖,一切得视 Apple