[越狱] Facebook++ 新软件源

楼主: yagevoli (Ney)   2015-03-22 23:55:03
Facebook++ 开发者发出的讯息:
We’ve been informed by the BigBoss Repo Maintainer that we are not allowed
to have the automatic downgrade feature as part of the tweak.
As such, the most recent update to Facebook ++ WILL NOT have the automatic
download. Instead, it WILL still have the in app messaging via webview, and
it will prompt you to add our beta repo (beta.unlimapps.com) if you’d like
to easily downgrade. The steps to do this are:
Open up Cydia, make sure you’re on the “Sources” Tab Select “Edit” at
the top right, THEN “Add” at the top left in the window put in “
beta.unlimapps.com” and select “Add Source” Update Facebook ++ from the
source you just added!
作者: satan04 (钓鱼宝宝)   2015-03-23 00:14:00
强者我朋友说他降级是用appsync 所以你也不知道他里面有没有加料 所以建议不要
作者: Md30678 (狐狸)   2015-03-23 00:18:00
作者: satan04 (钓鱼宝宝)   2015-03-23 00:19:00
你怎么知道他有没有拦截你的fb帐号密码呢" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
作者: hiraku (皮乐)   2015-03-23 00:23:00
作者: hsin1207 (hsin1207)   2015-03-23 00:35:00
作者: hiraku (皮乐)   2015-03-23 00:44:00
作者: Dora (小叮当)   2015-03-23 00:59:00
作者: hiraku (皮乐)   2015-03-23 01:21:00
作者: Go2 (勾兔)   2015-03-23 11:24:00
作者: gagalala (嘎啦)   2015-03-24 01:48:00

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