kylefan (袖子)
2021-11-03 00:07:01目前看到有官方说法的文章
Why the best iPad app for handwritten notes is going freemium
For those who prefer taking digital notes by hand instead of typing, Notabilit
y has long been an iPad must-have.
The app lets users take handwritten notes on an iPad, ideally with an Apple Pe
ncil. It supports an array of brush styles and paper formats, and it has a kil
ler audio recording feature for lectures and interviews: Recordings and writte
n notes are synchronized, so you can tap on what you wrote and hear the audio
from that exact moment. (The app is also available for iPhones and Macs, where
it’s mostly helpful for reviewing existing notes.)
该应用程式允许使用者在iPad上手写笔记,最理想上是使用Apple Pencil。 它支援一系
步的,因此您可以轻点您写的东西,并聆听当下的音讯。 (此应用程式也适用于iPhone
But after 11 years of selling the app for an up-front price—most recently $9
–developer Ginger Labs is leaving that model behind. Notability is now free t
o download, and will require a $15 per year subscription—or $12 per year for
a limited time—to unlock all of its features.
但在以单一价格——近期而言是9美元销售该应用程式11年后,开发商Ginger Labs正在抛
下该模式。 Notability现在可以免费下载,并需要每年15美元的订阅——或限时特价每
Non-paying users will have limits on how many times they can edit a note and h
ow many brushes they can save as favorites, and they’ll no longer be able to
automatically sync notes to iCloud or other online storage services. K-12 scho
ols will get the full version of free, but existing non-education users won’t
. Instead, they’ll get one more year to use the app without restrictions.
笔记同步到iCloud或其他线上储存服务。 K-12学校将获得免费的完整版本,但现有的非
教育使用者不会。 相反地,他们将获得一年无限制使用该应用程式。
The switch to a subscription model may not sit well with all of Notability’s
15 million users, but Colin Gilboy, the lead engineer at Ginger Labs, says it
’s necessary to serve a larger goal: By getting more people to try the app, t
he company is hoping to create an ecosystem where users can share notes and te
mplates with one another.
转向订阅模式可能不太符合Notability的所有一千五百万使用者的需求,但Ginger Labs
的首席工程师Colin Gilboy表示,为实现一个更大的目标有必要如此实施:透过吸引更多
“It’s not really driven by revenue or profits, so much as how we want to exp
and and increase our reach, and build a broader ecosystem,” Gilboy says.
The centerpiece of this new push is a gallery where users will be able to find
notes that others have uploaded. Students, for instance, might use the galler
y to look up notes on a certain study topic. It could also be a place to disco
ver new note-taking formats or coloring pages. Users will then be able to down
load, edit, and highlight those notes for themselves.
这个新策略的核心是Gallery,使用者将能够在那里找到其他人上传的笔记。 例如,学生
可能会使用画廊查查特定学习主题的笔记。 它也可能是发现新的笔记格式或上色页面的
地方。 然后,使用者将能够自行下载、编辑和萤光显示这些注释。
Overall, it sounds like a nod to the way apps such as Notion and Coda are buil
ding communities around shared document templates. Both of those services offe
r free tiers as well, the idea being that it helps promote a bigger ecosystem.
。 这两项服务也都提供免费的会员等级,其想法是它有助于促进更大的生态系统。
Last year, Notability tried a different approach, selling templates, planners,
themes, and stickers to its users through an in-app shop. A “Feel Good Journ
al,” for instance, offered coloring pages and other mindfulness exercises—Gi
lboy says it was the store’s most popular offering—while a “Digital Life Pl
anner” provided an array of calendar views and goal-planning pages. Notabilit
y also sold extra features such as handwriting recognition and math conversion
器、主题和贴图。 例如,“Feel Good Journal”提供上色页面和其他正念练习——Gilb
oy说,这是商店最受欢迎的产品——而“Digital Life Planner”提供了一系列日历检视
和目标规划页面。 Notability 还出售了额外的功能,如笔迹识别和数学式识别。
Those features will all become part of the new subscription plan, but Gilboy s
ays he’s more excited to see what users will come up with on their own.
“We see the future of Notability as being more focused on collaboration and s
haring,” he says.
Still, Ginger Labs wants to nudge users toward subscriptions even if they’re
not taking advantage of those sharing features, hence the limits on cloud back
ups and edits. The company won’t say exactly how many edits it will allow on
a single note before hitting users with a paywall—for now, it wants to be abl
e to tweak the number based on what it sees from users—but it does want its h
eaviest users to eventually pay up.
尽管如此,Ginger Labs仍然希望没有利用这些共享功能的用户能够转向订阅,因此对云
端备份和编辑设下限制。 该公司不愿说明单个笔记上在不付钱下将可进行多少编辑——
“We want to make sure that people can’t just use Notability and make it all
the way through med school for free,” Gilboy says. “That would leave us with
out a business.”