Netflix App for iOS No Longer Supports AirPlay
Because of 'Technical Limitations'
[Updated With Netflix Statement]
Netflix apps are available on the Apple TV, consoles, smart TVs, iOS devices, and more, so there's not a real need to use AirPlay to watch Netflix content, but there were instances where it was convenient to use.
很多设备都有 Netflix App 可以播放内容,
所以其实不需要 AirPlay,只是对有些人来说会较方便。
Update: A Netflix spokesperson provided further explanation on the company's decision to discontinue support for AirPlay on iOS devices, attributing it to the rollout of AirPlay support on third party devices and an inability to distinguish between them:
"We want to make sure our members have a great Netflix experience on any device they use. With AirPlay support rolling out to third-party devices, there isn't a way for us to distinguish between devices (what is an Apple TV vs. what isn't) or certify these experiences. Therefore, we have decided to discontinue Netflix AirPlay support to ensure our standard of quality for viewing is being met. Members can continue to access Netflix on the built-in app across Apple TV and other devices."
网飞发言人表示因为 AirPlay 开始要支援其它设备使用,
他们无法辨识用户是用 Apple TV 或是其它设备播放,
为了使用者使用上的品质,故不再支援 AirPlay 功能。
1. 苹果要推自家影音服务 Apple TV+,网飞不爽。
2. 让太多不同设备能 AirPlay,增加被非法使用的机会。
3. 已经内建或可用 App 的设备太多,不再需要维护这功能。
4. 真的在不同设备上用 AirPlay 会不稳定。
我 mac HDMI接两个萤幕,关掉主萤幕换电视播放的话,
Safari 会显示不支援,但 Chrome 可以;
萤幕截图 Safari 会是黑色挡截图,Chrome 可以截到画面,
也是蛮妙的,在 Safari 上似乎更保护版权内容。