回顾一下今年 F8 2018 脸书曾经的承诺:
TechNews 科技新报
F8 2018:Facebook 将推清除浏览纪录、约会等新功能,VR 装置 Oculus Go 开卖
发布日期 2018 年 05 月 02 日 7:00
Messenger - 全新接口
此外,David Marcus 还在会中抢先展示了一段全新接口的介绍影片,
也就是 Facebook Lite 与 Messenger Lite ,
终于在土耳其的 App Store 上架并公开了。
以下就是关于 Messenger Lite 的报导:
Messenger Lite launches on iOS, but only in Turkey
Sarah [email protected] / 21 hours ago
A few days ago, Facebook quietly introduced a “Lite” version of its
Facebook app for iOS devices, but only in a single market, Turkey. The app
had been previously available only on Android. Today, the company is
following suit with a launch of Messenger Lite on iOS, again just in Turkey.
脸书在前几天悄悄地发布了“轻量化”版本的 Facebook APP,
但是只有在土耳其商店上架,此类轻量化的 APP 过去只提供于 Android 平台上。
今天,就如同 Facebook APP 一样发布了 Messenger Lite 的版本,
The launch was first spotted by app intelligence firm Sensor Tower.
APP 情报网站 Sensor Tower 是第一个发现这个上架的举动。
Like the Facebook Lite iOS launch, Messenger Lite for iOS also touts a much
smaller download size than the normal version, which today clocks in at a
whopping 140MB.
如同之前发布的 Facebook Lite 版本,Messenger Lite 也主打较标准版小的大小,
后者目前的容量是 140MB。
Instead, Messenger Lite on iOS is only 10MB in size, the App Store
description notes. That’s actually a bit bigger than Facebook Lite for iOS,
which came in at under 5MB, we should note.
相对地,根据 App Store 的说明,Messenger Lite 的大小只有 10MB,
比起只有不到 5MB 的 Facebook Lite 还大一点点。
The new app also claims to use less mobile data than Messenger proper, and
installs quickly and runs efficiently.
这款新的 APP 同时也宣称比标准版本的 Messenger 使用较少的行动数据流量,
Like Messenger, the chat app can be used with individuals or groups to send
text messages, photos, videos, or links. However, according to comments from
early users, the Lite version doesn’t show when contacts are online through
a “status” dot on their profile or in a menu.
如同 标准版的 Messenger,
这款聊天 APP 可以用于在个人与群组间传送文字讯息、相片、影片,或者连结。
这款轻量化的 APP 没有办法在连络人的个人资讯页或选单上面显示上线的“状态”。
This is a similar feature set to Facebook Lite on Android, which also
supports voice and video calls.
这个就如同 Android 平台上面的 Facebook Lite APP,
While the app instead has only been released to Turkey for the time being, it
’s available in several other languages, which could be a hint of markets to
尽管这个 APP 目前只有在土耳其商店上架,
As the app is just getting off the ground, it’s only ranked at No. 99 for
Social Networking on iPhone, and No. 26 on iPad as of the time of writing.
尽管这个 APP 才刚发布没有多久,
但是在 iPhone 社交类别 排名 99,在 iPad 社交类别排名 26。
Facebook confirmed the launch to TechCrunch in an email.
Facebook 在给 TechCrunch 的信中证实了发布 APP 这件事情。
“When we first rolled out FB Lite and Messenger Lite as standalone apps, our
goal was to deliver the power of a native app, with as many of the same
features as possible while still being lightweight,” a spokesperson said. “
Up until now, FB Lite and Messenger Lite have only been available on Android.
Now we’re testing these experience on iOS. We’re committed to connecting
people with the things they care about – no matter their connection, device,
or where they live.”
“当我们首次发布了 Facebook Lite 与 Messenger Lite 为独立 APP 的时候,
我们的目标就是要提供一个原生 APP 的特性,在尽可能提供一样的功能的同时,
Facebook Lite 与 Messenger Lite 都只有提供于 Android 平台。
现在我们正在 iOS 平台上尝试这些体验。我们承诺去连接那些使用者在乎的人们
1) 轻量化的原生 APP 体验
2) 最快最小(最清晰(X)),10MB 相较于标准版 140MB
3) 目前仅仅提供于土耳其商店
4) 已经内建多种翻译语言,未来可能会推广到更多地区