[疑问] HRE为何可以长存?

楼主: ung0952q (乂煞气a秃头乂)   2016-11-13 16:55:12
1、The answer is complicated, with one reason being the development of the com
munity of surrounding nations that needed a weak, internally fragment center i
n which they could adjust the shifting balance of their own interests and figh
t their wars.
2、Another reason was the emperor’s very weakness, which tended to make him a
n effective peacemaker and a sovereign who ruled through fixed law instead of
a despot.
3、A further reason for the surprising longevity of the Holy Roman Empire was
the principle of the elective kingship. The higher rank of the aristocracy par
ticipated in the institutions and were disposed to support and cooperate with
the sovereign they chose. Every vote they cast in a royal election was a renew
ed vote for the continuation of the empire, and thus it was precisely the prin
ce elector who came to serve as guarantors of its cohesion and permanence.
作者: ilha   2016-11-13 17:01:00
作者: jason222333 (发呆)   2016-11-13 17:06:00
作者: leptoneta (台湾高山族自治区书记)   2016-11-13 18:33:00
奥地利:因为没人能完全打爆我 直到拿破仑出现
作者: dasfriedrich (天行健)   2016-11-13 20:22:00
作者: RollingWave (Lost in the Dark)   2016-11-13 21:09:00
作者: reallurker (一个好人)   2016-11-13 23:55:00
因为没人能独大 欧陆权力平衡的玩法 加上历史渊源皇帝 选帝侯 各地国王 大领主 小领主 保持政治经济的妥协与平衡
作者: dasfriedrich (天行健)   2016-11-14 05:36:00
作者: yuriaki (百合秋)   2016-11-14 09:21:00
因为HRE皇帝只是一个头衔 不是一个特定势力 正如埃及改朝换代几千年都还有个法老王HRE皇帝一千年没什么特别的至于你读到的理由一 是中欧领主面对外地威胁需要一个军事互助同盟就是HRE 理由二 由于以上理由各领主只希望盟主维护基本秩序 不要介入各地内政所以HRE皇帝难以强势 多只能是peacemaker性质的盟主

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