[求譜] Tonight You Belong To Me

楼主: swbebe (小弼)   2016-11-29 23:38:08
歌曲名稱: Tonight You Belong To Me
演唱者: Patience and Prudence
這是網站上找到喜歡的cover 版本:
I know (I know) you belong
To somebody new
But tonight
You belong to me
Although (although) we're apart
You are a part of my heart
And tonight
You belong to me
Wait down by the stream
How sweet it will seem
Once more just to dream
in the moonlight
My honey I know
With the dawn
That you will be gone
But tonight
You belong to me
But tonight
You belong To me
Just to little old me
作者: a900632000 (中元普渡)   2016-12-01 08:32:00
http://i.imgur.com/EZXsDwt.jpg这版本我cover过 确定能弹

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