2020-04-29 12:22:25南加大药学院针对国际学生规划的 "暑期课程 - 临床药学与治疗 (clinical pharmacy
and therapeutics)", 为因应疫情, 今年将推出线上版两周课程, 由两位药学院教授教学.
顺利完成将取得结业证书. 欢迎药学领域的同学们参考, 申请期限 6/15喔!
* 长度: 7/6 (一) ~ 7/17 (五), 共2周
* 期限: 6/15 (一)
* 官网: https://sites.usc.edu/internationalsummerprogram/
* 条件: 适当的英语能力
(可安排线上 interview, 或提供英语能力测验成绩, 例如 TOEFL 或 IELTS 等)
* 费用: 美金 $695
* 申请/疑问: Dr. Terrence F. Graham
(Chief International Officer, USC School of Pharmacy)
E: [email protected]
[ Curriculum 课程安排 ]
‧Overview of contemporary clinical pharmacy education and practice
‧Science and clinical combined sessions drives the curriculum
‧Clinical use of insulin therapy and blood glucose checks
‧Pharmacotherapy for selected common disease states
‧Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
‧Introduction of new drug development process
[Virtual Site Visits 虚拟参访]
线上课程也会透过网络, 带着同学们参访医疗中心的药局及几家社区药局
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