[生活] 全国 股东会纪念品

楼主: starmoon99 (月光米)   2019-09-26 15:04:55
可用虾皮OR 好卖+运费39 (到9/30 请多多利用)
项目 物 品 单价 数量 照 片
01狮王牙膏200G $35 *4 https://imgur.com/hHZy1jk
02白茶保湿喷雾100ML $50 *2 https://imgur.com/undefined
03 PS 水感修修保湿平衡面膜 $100 *1 https://imgur.com/Ryua4WL
04杏辉蓉忆记胶囊每瓶:10粒 $160*2 https://imgur.com/onf9ZTH
05《百奥维他》有机接骨木莓汁500m$50 *1 https://imgur.com/iNbErZr
06台梗9号白米(2KG装) $100 *4 https://imgur.com/SzmmYvr
07千金米(一公斤) $50 *4 https://imgur.com/UKIf4gK
08中钢卡幸福储卡礼盒+一卡通50元储值金 $80*4 https://imgur.com/hAiUxKV
09小小兵方型玻璃保鲜盒 $70*1 https://imgur.com/Te6rGFr
10史努比保温袋 $100*3 https://imgur.com/MYg9HKu
11金颖冬虫夏草菌丝体胶囊(30颗) $200 *2 https://imgur.com/UKvOd3t
12巧收旅行袋 $20*3 https://imgur.com/VFq3yMA
13 HTC黑色手提购物袋与VIVELAND优惠券 $100 *2
https://imgur.com/SYt0jn5 / https://imgur.com/3XKTba8
14 8合1 LED手电筒工具组 $40 *8 https://imgur.com/OtzY0aC
可挂式蛋型小夜灯 $35*2 https://imgur.com/TUwxXzZ
15 宇瞻2.0随身碟16G $120*2 https://imgur.com/h7If0LH
16手持USB风扇 $70*4 https://imgur.com/kJSUPOP
17葡萄王 巴西蘑菇菌丝体胶囊 (30粒 ) $100*4 https://imgur.com/FMth1PQ
18 304 不锈钢环保餐具,筷+匙 $20*2 https://imgur.com/STUTpEQ
19不锈钢微笑调味罐2入组 $50 *6 https://imgur.com/7gAcEyR
20 304 不锈钢吸管 粗+细+刷 3件组 $20*2 19D011https://imgur.com/cey3PYs
21 316不锈钢吸管组 (粗+细吸管+吸管刷+仿麻布套) $40*2 https://imgur.com/fT14rOl
22西华304不锈钢保温瓶 500ml $100 *1 https://imgur.com/n3kwuJU
23八合一工具笔 $40*2 https://imgur.com/9PCvU5L
24乐美雅 强化玻璃餐盘 $100*4 https://imgur.com/jOwUujy
25 Light of Hope茶壶 泡茶 700ml $100*3 https://imgur.com/ArmAW6w
26乐美雅 露特莎 7吋拉面碗 $70*4 https://imgur.com/AO7FBS1
27玛里琳微波保鲜碗 500ml $50*3 https://imgur.com/X5DuILE
28凤翔水晶碗2入组 $40*2 https://imgur.com/mTArYuL
29冰丝袖套 $20*1 https://imgur.com/qfcW3Nk
30 DARFON 乐活杯 (容量400ml) $40*2 https://imgur.com/undefined
31 SOGA可爱长颈鹿叠叠杯 $80*1 https://imgur.com/dGv6O0a
32 Light of Hope耐热玻璃保鲜盒 $100*2 https://imgur.com/n3oA9XZ
33拉拉熊保温袋+玻璃分隔保鲜盒 $150*2https://imgur.com/7GTbBTg
34 A-FUKU 耐热玻璃保鲜盒 $50*4 https://imgur.com/PLy8rpO
35 PP保鲜盒 台湾制造 $20 *2 https://imgur.com/73Mt7Rs
36万用迷你笔5入组 $25*2 https://imgur.com/uyBmr7v

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