qwert7788 (qwert7788)
2024-01-07 14:49:05Need a temporary stay in Taipei?
Where is the cheapest rent near MRT stations?
A glance at short-term rental prices for shared apartment & Independent suite
& apartment
The original data for the map comes from "mrhost Taiwan Short-term
Rentals" and "591 Housing Transaction", and does not include other rental
platforms or properties not listed online.
These maps show the average monthly short-term rental prices at each station,
providing a reference for interested parties.
In addition, we have collected short-term rental sources near Taipei and New
Taipei City MRT stations, and the related information can be viewed through
the following links:
Taipei https://mrhost01.psee.io/5h932f
New Taipei https://mrhost01.psee.io/5h9338
Please note that short-term rental prices are generally slightly higher than
long-term rentals due to the greater flexibility and convenience they offer.
Our data comes from "mrhost Taiwan Short-term Rentals" and "591 Housing
Transaction" covering short-term available properties within a 1-kilometer
radius of each MRT station.
The displayed rent is calculated in Taiwanese dollars and rounded to the
nearest thousand.
Finally, as some MRT stations have fewer listings, there may be greater
variances in rental prices. Therefore, our data is provided for reference
Thank you