[教学] English Tutor外籍老师英文家教

楼主: op1225 (黑熊跑的快)   2019-03-17 14:06:30
English Tutor 外籍老师英文家教
BACKGROUND: USA citizen living in Chaozhou, Pingtung County. : 6+ years teaching experience. Served as intern instructor at a Cal State Unversity. Masters in English Instruction from an American University.
LOCATION: Able to give instruction online or at library, cafe, residence in Chaozhou and nearby areas.
SUBJECT: Can teach grammar, reading, conversation, tests, etc.
STUDENTS: All ability levels and ages accepted. Will tailor instruction to suit each student.
SALARY: . 800-1000/hr
1. 我是个美国人, 住屏东潮州. 会中文.
2. 6年以上教学经验. 曾任美国Cal State University实习老师的经验
3. 英文教育硕士.
4. 在某个图书馆, 咖啡馆或到府上教学皆可. 在潮州或附近的地点都可以教.
5. 文法阅读写作会话GEPT, TOIEC, TOEFL, IELTS等英文考试都可以教
6. 任何程度, 任何年龄皆可教学. 可以 配合学生的教学需求
7. 800-1000/时 (可以再谈).

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