[征求] Looking for native American speakers

楼主: morisontw (morison)   2016-06-20 15:39:02
Looking for native American speakers - a perception test for accent
of Taiwan English
Participants will be instructed to listen two different
melodic/prosodic patterns with same sentence pronounced by same
speaker. Participants choose one of melodic/prosodic pattern
which is more native-like. The experiment will take 1.5-2 hours
with multiple times of break. NT$700 will be paid after experiment
Location -Ikari/Dante Coffee nearby any Taipei MRT station
Time - Weekday night (at least 2 hours before close time of the cafe)
地点- 台北捷运附近的丹堤或怡客咖啡
时间- 平日(Mon-Fri)晚间 (在咖啡馆关闭前 至少预留两小时)
If you are interested, please contact Chao-yu Su
morison@gate.sinica.edu.tw to make an appointment.

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