→ zvezda: 楼楼上能否举证说明?我之前整理的新闻是支持耶 #1G60Xorz 10/01 23:54
→ zvezda: 是台大医院做的研究 10/01 23:55
key word: cranberry, prevent, urinary tract infectin, UTI, effect
当然,也有云林分院在Jul. 9, 2012发表在JAMA上的文章 (就是新闻支持那个)
另外,有一篇是在 Oct. 17, 2012,The Cochrane Library发表的 Systematic review
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Oct 17;10:CD001321
相信大家都没办法看全文,不过可以看一下AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS
Prior to the current update it appeared there was some evidence that cranberry
juice may decrease the number of symptomatic UTIs over a 12 month period,
particularly for women with recurrent UTIs. The addition of 14 further studies
suggests that cranberry juice is less effective than previously indicated.
Although some of small studies demonstrated a small benefit for women with
recurrent UTIs, there were no statistically significant differences when the
results of a much larger study were included. Cranberry products were not
significantly different to antibiotics for preventing UTIs in three small
studies. Given the large number of dropouts/withdrawals from studies (mainly
attributed to the acceptability of consuming cranberry products particularly
juice, over long periods), and the evidence that the benefit for preventing UTI
is small, cranberry juice cannot currently be recommended for the prevention of
UTIs. Other preparations (such as powders) need to be quantified using
standardised methods to ensure the potency, and contain enough of the 'active'
ingredient, before being evaluated in clinical studies or recommended for use.
信者恒信,反正也有种东西叫做placebo effect啦 XD
※ 引述《nttu94326 (忆雪印)》之铭言:
: 我只是想抒发一下几乎崩溃的心灵orz
: 文长,呐喊,痛哭,歇斯底里,手机排版,请斟酌观看。
: 明明已经,没有性行为、水灌的像鱼一样需要、上厕所的准时频繁像期待下课一样、穿裙
: 子穿到快忘记裤子是何物、保养清洁做的比军人还严谨......
: 为什么在今天又让我感受到复发的症状啊啊啊啊啊(痛哭流涕
: 我不过是因为临时没钱买水所以让自己缺水三个小时.....QAQ
: 而喝水之后我也不敢马上厕所,因为以往经验是这时间上厕所,会因为浓度太高的尿而反
: 而更不舒服,所以多等了一些时间啊为何如此严惩我orzzzzzz
: 实在是想哭哭不出来,想气也不知道该气谁......orz
: 或许该怪的是因为生病造成的神经反应迟钝,导致了第一次尿道炎的以前的自己吧...
: 仔细想想,今年真是灾厄,前前后后反复发炎的次数多的吓人,最后这几次根本像是心情
: 好就跑出来找我一样......
: 昨天才听我妈因为发炎去打针,今日就认真思考遗传的可能性orz......唉。
: 纯属抱怨,已经挂号等待明早就医(血泪)。
: 希望各位还没经历过的女孩,好好保护自己,清洁、喝水,勤上厕所。
: 和我一样崩溃的女孩,则珍重,谨祝早日脱离梦魇。
: 今夜又不得安眠,若排版伤眼请见谅,手机实在难以确认T_T