※ 引述《marshmallowH (u质台妯)》之铭言:
: 去年十月多的时候有买美亚
: 刚刚又想网购的时候顺便问了客服
: 进口费用import charge
: 是不是没被收到关税就会退给我
: 结果客服给了这些回应
: "As You are not a prime member import charges will be impose on you as per the
: policy but as a exception.
: I have forwarded the refund request it might be credited back to your card
: within 3-5 business days after getting processed."
: 想请问现在是改成prime member 才会退税吗
: 或者是我理解有误呢
: 谢谢~
想借此问一下原 Po大大或是其他版友
我半年没买 这次购买60美元免运
现在不管金额多少, 都直接会有项 "进口费用" , 以前都没有这一项
比如我购物车有一个8美元的物品 支付项目就有个1镁多的"进口费用"
而之前是如果超过2000台币 才会有个以后会退回的 "预收税金" 项目
我还没有跟客服联系 只是想知道有大大清楚这个原因吗
原Po是说 客服说要加入会员才不用进口费用
想请问这是什么状况?? 这算是变相运费吗??
又 有人有成功争取退回过的经验吗
之前常常退,大概都是半年左右收到退费 现在要问的是"进口费用"
写信问客服 已回复 说是预收,多退少不补
Thanks for contacting Amazon.
About your order 11X-X087XXX-=XXXXXX, this order has $12.86 import fee.
And please be assured that we will calculate the required customs duties at
the time of order settlement.
If the amount of customs duties paid in the process of customs clearance is
lower than the amount actually charged by the customs, Amazon will complete
the refund as soon as possible after confirming the actual taxes with the
customs clearance company and customs.
If the amount actually charged by customs is higher than this amount, we will
not charge you extra high tariff.