colman (黑色纯粹)
2021-04-19 13:24:24我的第一次海外集运购物, 但是不知道会不会是最后一次...
4/7, 我人生第一次用海外集运(Buy and Ship)购买eBay的东西.
一切都按照BnS的步骤填写资料, 卖家也把东西寄出.
到这边是情进展的还算顺利, 觉得以后可以开启我海外购物之路.
但几乎就在同时, 我收到eBay的通知, 告知我的帐号被永久停权,
(原文: Your eBay account has been permanently suspended because we noticed activity
that we believe is a risk to our community.)
收到的当下, 我有点紧张因为我的东西还在去集运地的路上.
几经波折找eBay的facebook粉丝团询问, 也给出我注册的email及集运地址之类的资讯.
最后他们还是回复我申诉无效, 并且叫我看开一点(??)
(原文:Per our message from earlier, we let you know that the account wasn't
eligible to be reinstated. Based on the buying activity and account behaviors
taking place, we don’t feel comfortable allowing business to continue, so
the account will remain suspended.
I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to contact us about this and wish
you the best moving forward.)
幸好, 我购买的东西后来有到集运地, 现在正准备转运回台湾的途中.
所以想问一下是不是有板友遇到类似的状况. 不知道有没有解决的方法...