sgjeff (JEFFREY)
2008-03-19 16:09:59Post-Doctoral Research Position at NTHU in Wireless Communications and
I. Position Description
A full-time post-doctoral research position in Wireless Communications and
Networking is available at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). This is a
position funded in part by the National Science Council (NSC) for the
integrated project on “4G Heterogeneous All-IP Core Network”. Professor
Wen-Tsuen Chen at NTHU is the principle investigator. This is an integrated
project involving faculties and students both from the EE and CS department.
The faculties included are Prof. Jang-Ping Sheu, Prof. Jyh-Cheng Chen, Prof.
Shun-Ren Yang, Prof. Shou-Chih Lo, and Prof. Y.-W. Peter Hong. This is a
one-year appointment, renewable based on performance. The starting date is
II. Primary Responsibilities
‧ Extensive research on Wireless Communications and Networking, with special
focus on 4G Networks, Cooperative Communications, and Vehicular Networks.
Depending on the applicants specialty, research may involve studies on PHY-MAC
cross-layer design, QoS, security, mobility, and wireless applications.
‧ Presentation of research results in the form of journal publications,
conference pre-sentations and project reports etc.
‧ Lead research teams consisting of students at the graduate or undergraduate
‧ Coordination among the research groups involved in this project.
III. Qualifications
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,
Communications Engineering or related fields. In particular, research
experience in wireless communications and networking, especially in the fields
of quality-of-service (QoS), security, mobility management, or PHY-MAC
cross-layer design, are preferable. Applicants must also have the ability to
work independently and to help instruct students at the graduate level. Strong
interpersonal skills, good writing and oral communication skills are also
IV. Benefits
The salary and benefits follow the regulations of the NSC (e.g. NT$55000/month
plus bonus, airfare and standard insurance). Applicants should refer to the
following for details:
Please send electronically your resume and publication list to:
Yao-Win Peter Hong
Institute of Communications Engineering
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013
Tel: +886-3-5742440 Fax: +886-3-5751787
email: [email protected]