untitled (Causality)
2005-05-12 13:25:28Teacher and I have found a problem in recent homework.
A couple of students only show their program's output but
nothing more. Of course it is admirable of you to write
codes and obtain results in only one week. However, the
homework is not the one in freshman Fundamental Programming.
It is more than that.
Since this subject is "Data Mining", it is important
to discover something, to have your own conclusion/conjecture.
For example, randomForest function returns a confusion matrix
so some of you just print it out. However, if you do not
explain what it is and what it tells, this matrix is only
a pile of meaningless numbers (you don't have to put it in
your homework then). Since you've done so much effort on
covtype dataset in many assignments, it's also a good idea
to compare results among them.
Anyway, the important thing is, try to write down what
you can "know"/"guess"/whatever and make a conclusion.
They are more precious. :)