※ 引述《anguso (爱宝)》之铭言:
: If you use knn in package "class", you probabily will get a memory
: error.... Many of members in our lab have encountered the same
: problem.
: If you write a knn algorithm by yourself and try to do a batch
: process, you can only deal with around 80 data samples one time.
: According to my computation time for 160 data samples, a knn wrote by
: myself will need about 90 hours to process all data.......
It seem you only have two changce to redo hw.
But yours still better then mine. I don't even know how much time my
program need...
: I try to find ways to speed up the computation but all in vain.
: If you use only the first 10 features, the computation time is
: almost the same. (only slightly faster)
: ※ 引述《Tonnny (^~^)》之铭言:
: : According to teacher's explantation in class,
: : does it mean that we should't use the knn function?
: : Instead, to write the nearest neighbor function by ourselves?