grand prix attack,中文应该是什么呢?
似乎是用来对付"西西里防御"(Sicilian Defence)的棋步
2.f4 is the Grand Prix Attack or McDonnell Attack:
the latter name stems from the 14th match game played in London in 1834
between Alexander McDonnell and Charles Louis Mahé de La Bourdonnais,
won by Black. According to Jeremy Silman and others,
Black's best reply is 2...d5 3.exd5 Nf6!, the Tal Gambit,
which has caused the immediate 2.f4 to decline in popularity.[49]
Players usually enter the Grand Prix Attack nowadays by playing 2.Nc3
first before continuing 3.f4. The modern main line runs 2.Nc3 Nc6
3.f4 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7.
The move 2.Nc3 has been played at high-level grandmaster chess
(Gelfand and Short have played it) but only rarely.
Here White can play the positional 5.Bb5,
threatening to double Black's pawns with Bxc6, or the more aggressive
5.Bc4, aiming for a kingside attack. A less common option is 2... e6,
as La Bourdonnais played against McDonnell.
作者: kohttp (koh) 2013-02-21 22:43:00