※ 引述《Subaru5566 (爱上速霸路)》之铭言:
: 我倒是看到这篇文章
: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/ev-owners-switch-gas-power-study/
: 我重点翻一下
: According to this study, which looked at California EV owners specifically
: between 2015-2019, 18% of electric vehicle owners switched back to a
: gas-powered car. For plug-in hybrid owners, 20% of them flipped back to a car
: solely powered by an engine.
: 根据调查,2015-2019年间,加州电动车的车主,有18%换回汽油车,开Plug-Hybrid的
: 车主,有20%换回汽油车。
: The major takeaway from the EV flip-flopping lands in the lap of charging