Re: [新闻] 特斯拉新款 Model S Plaid 爆首次起火意

楼主: DYE (跟脑残争最后都会变脑残.)   2021-07-07 23:08:12
※ 引述《FAPP (手枪侠)》之铭言
: 特斯拉新款 Model S Plaid 爆首次起火意外,整车烧成废铁
: 原文连结:
: 原文内容:
: 国外媒体报导,于美国时间 6 月 29 日晚间,一辆新款的特斯拉 Model S Plaid 在
: 城郊区发生起火意外,这场 Model S Plaid 的起火意外,目前得知无人伤亡,当地消
: 也正在调查起火主因。但就目击证人的说法,这辆 Model S Plaid 是无缘无故自己起
: 烧的。
: 这场 Model S Plaid 的起火意外,发生在美国时间 6 月 29 日晚间 9 点左右,当地
: 局接获民众报案后,迅速抵达现场洒水救火,因为在今年 4 月中的特斯拉车祸意外灭
: 验,此次消防人员在对付电动车火势时,非常迅速就将火势扑灭,透过两组水线洒水
: 洒水将近一个半小时,冷却电池直到火势完全扑灭。
: 火势扑灭后,消防员检查事故现场,事故车辆几乎完全烧成废铁,只剩下一些焦黑的
: 骸,从车辆焦黑的残骸与轮框来看,起火的正式一辆几周前才交车的新款特斯拉 Mod
el S P
: laid,所幸这场事故没有造成任何人员伤亡,但目前消防人员都还联系不到这辆 Mod
el S P
: laid 的车主。
: 目前当地消防局还正在调查起火主因,但一名急救人员在 Reddit 上发文表示,报警
: 位当地一位的社区居民,这位居民表示看到 Model S Plaid 车上无人,并突然起火,
: 在他家门前爆炸,但因为至今还联系不上 Model S Plaid 的车主,所以还没办法完整
: 这场事故的主因。
: 马斯克曾表示,新款 Model S Plaid 之前会延迟交车,主要就是因为要确保电池模组
: 全性,虽然目前尚无法确认真正的起火主因是什么,当然也无法排除可能是人为意外
: 果调查结果为电池意外造成,想必对马斯克来说是一件非常尴尬的事情,只能期待特
: 整车安全性的部分可以越做越好,尽量减少此类意外的发生,虽然电动车的起火速度
: 油车,但是因为拥有电池组的化学物质,还是一样不能轻视意外的发生。
: 心得/说明:(30字以上)
: 才刚上市的车款
: 就发生了起火事故
: 虽然不知道是自燃还是人为纵火
: 但还是为Tesla的安全性蒙上一层阴影
More Details About Tesla Model S Plaid Fire Lead To More Questions
ByJohnna Crider
Published 2 days ago
There have been more details released about the recent Tesla Model S Plaid f
ire, including who owned the vehicle. The information released has led to ev
en more questions. Although I believe we should wait on the results of the i
nvestigation, there are some questions that a few Tesla owners and sharehold
ers have taken to Twitter to pose. Before getting into that, here is the lat
est that we have so far:
CNBC reported that when the vehicle caught on fire, the owner was actually b
ehind the wheel. The article included a statement from the owner’s attorney
s and noted that the owner’s identity isn’t being disclosed. The article a
lso stated that a spokesperson for the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin
istration said they were aware and in touch with the relevant agencies and T
esla. “If data or investigations show a defect or an inherent risk to safet
y exists, NHTSA will take action as appropriate to protect the public,” the
spokesperson told CNBC.
Reuters reported that the owner of the Plaid Model S was an “executive entr
epreneur” and that he wasn’t able to get out of the car. The electronic do
or system failed and the owner had to use force to push it open, according t
o the attorneys.
Mark Geragos, of Geragos & Geragos, the law firm representing the owner, tol
d Reuters, “It was a harrowing and horrifying experience.” He added, “Thi
s is a brand new model. … We are doing an investigation. We are calling for
the S Plaid to be grounded, not to be on the road until we get to the botto
m of this.”
Bloomberg reported that the owner of the Model S Plaid is Bart Smith, who is
the head of the digital asset group as Susquehanna International. Bloomberg
stated that Smith’s firm owned around $1.1 billion worth of Tesla shares a
s of March 31. Things get a bit interesting here, though. @WholeMarsBlog sha
red on Twitter that there was a possibility that the global quant trading fi
rm, which does trade Tesla’s stock, could hedge a short
Kristen (K10) shared some more information from Investopedia about Susquehan
na Securities. Investopedia noted that the firm owned 60.7 million Tesla sha
res in 2019 and that it also owned 64.6 million put options and 54.3 call op
tions of Tesla.
The fact that the firm has had put options on Tesla [NASDAQ:TSLA] has made q
uite a few supporters suspicious. And considering past events where short se
llers have tried to sabotage Tesla in various ways in the past, I don’t bla
me them. Personally, I believe that truth always prevails and the truth will
come out. This could just be a coincidence, and I’m sure that investigator
s are looking into it.
Again, we’re not making any claims of wrongdoing, but it’s an interesting
edge of this case that seems worth keeping an eye on
While many were freaking out over the headlines regarding the Houston Tesla
crash earlier this year that led to two men dying, the truth eventually prev
ailed. Constable Herman, who was investigating the Houston crash, declared t
hat he was 100% sure that there was no one in the driver’s seat of that Mod
el S and many media outlets took the story and ran. However, it was later fo
und that the constable’s office was already in possession of video evidence
that directly contradicted his claims. It was later found that there was a
driver and that the constable was spreading some misinformation. The truth p
revailed in this case and I believe it will also prevail here.
Although it does seem odd that the head of a firm that has had put options o
n Tesla’s stock in the past was involved in a fiery crash involving Tesla’
s newest vehicle, the Model S Plaid, it’s also odd that this incident happe
ned just before Tesla’s announcement of its record-breaking delivery number
s. However, this could be 100% a coincidence
I think that we all should keep open minds about this investigation.
I also think that we should keep in mind that Smith just lost his vehicle an
d the Model S Plaid is stunning. To lose it in such a horrific accident is n
ot only sad but scary. Smith also nearly lost his life according to the repo
rts, in nearly the same manner that my mother and I did when I was a child.
Our car exploded and we had mere seconds to get out before it did. This is n
ot a time to be bullying or harassing this person (and one should never do t
Let’s look at the evidence as it comes in, but hold off from judging until
we know the truth of what happened and why
之前 ModelS Plaid 起火的事有更多消息披漏
车子起火的时候 驾驶在车上
车主是一位 executive entrepreneur
车主是Bart Smith,是Susquehanna International私募基金的负责人,

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