Scape (non)
2018-07-31 10:22:34原文连结:
Hydrogen Shortage Hits Hard: Toyota Mirai Owners Urged To Top Up Frequently
标题:来自于氢气短缺的沉重打击:Mirai 车主被要求要经常加满氢气
Hydrogen shortages in California are causing trouble with refueling hydrogen
fuel cell cars, particularly in the Los Angeles area.
We were often told that hydrogen is the most abundant element, so we wonder
how it could be that there are shortages? Especially shortages at places like
hydrogen refueling stations, where there should be hydrogen everywhere.
氢是最丰富的元素,所以我们想知道怎么会短缺? 特别是加氢站等地方的短缺,
According to a Green Car Reports article, at least at some of the 33 hydrogen
refueling stations in California, FCVs owners might be surprised by a lack of
根据Green Car Reports 的一篇文章,至少在加州的33个加氢站,FCV的车主可能会
At one station there is even a message with info from Toyota: “Be advised:
Hydrogen delivery issues everywhere. Don’t take chances, top off frequently.
Toyota hotline says dealers know, will comp you for rental car.”
在一个加氢站点,甚至还贴了一张来自Toyota 的公告:
“请注意:氢气运送问题随时有可能发生。 不要冒险,经常加满。
Toyota 热线说,经销商知道这问题,将为您提供租车服务。”
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Not only Toyota Mirai drivers (3,687 sales by the end of June 2018) but also
those with Honda Clarity Fuel Cell and Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell vehicles will
be affected.
不仅Toyota Mirai 车主(2018年6月底前总销量为3,687辆),还有Honda Clarity 和
Hyundai Tucson FCV 将受到影响。
(注:Mirai 2015年8月开始在美国销售)
Well, the cause seems to be unexpected disruptions at Air Products, which
supplies the hydrogen. They are suggesting it will be early August before
supplies are restored.
原因似乎是供应氢气的Air Products 公司的意外。他们暗示将在8月初恢复供应。
“Toyota is aware that certain fuel-cell vehicle owners in the Los Angeles
area are currently experiencing refueling challenges because of limited
hydrogen supply at several local fueling stations. While the station operator
works to resolve this short-term issue, we are working with our Mirai
(fuel-cell car) customers to help identify alternative fueling options,
including as a temporary measure, opening our commercial hydrogen fueling
station at the Port of Long Beach…We sincerely regret the current
inconvenience for our customers,” Toyota said in a statement emailed to
Green Car Reports.”
Toyota 意识到LA 地区的某些FCV 车主目前正在经历加氢挑战,因为几个当地加氢站
的氢气供应有限。 当加氢站运营商努力解决这个短期问题时,我们正在与我们的Mirai
客户合作,帮助确保替代燃料选择,包括作为临时措施,在Port of Long Beach 开放
“Toyota 在发给Green Car Reports 的email 中如此说道。”
And here is what Green Car Reports learned from Air Products spokesman Arthur
以下是Green Car Reports 从Air Products 发言人Arthur George 那里听来的:
“We are actively working to resolve this unexpected disruption, which has
been caused by a contemporaneous series of unrelated issues at several liquid
hydrogen production and supply sites. We are addressing the matter as rapidly
as we can and are hopeful to have the situation remedied and have restored
regular hydrogen supply in the early days of August. We regret any
inconvenience that may have resulted…. We regret any inconvenience fueling
customers may be currently experiencing, and reassure you we are focused on
resolving the issue as soon as possible,”
Well, we can now add worries of lack of hydrogen to the lists of doubts we
have connected to FCVs.
Mirai 在北美卖了两年11个月卖出36xx 辆,主要的问题除了产能极为有限之外
虽然FCV 对比BEV 有着补充燃料快速的优点
那相对于可以在家充电的BEV 来说反而是多花时间
FCV 想在家里补充燃料是几乎不可能的(需要投入的资金跟空间太多)
目前FCV 也开不出加州,因为站点实在太少了,找不到地方加氢
这些目前就直接面对的问题,导致FCV 需求不高
否则对消费者来说,看到加氢站那么少,就很难提升FCV 的需求
另外就是目前加氢对比BEV 所需的电费其实是很贵的(Toyota 有补贴Mirai 车主)
FCV 就很适合