[新闻] Tesla今年第四起车辆火灾

楼主: Scape (non)   2016-11-04 01:18:48
根据目击者表示,这辆Model S以高速行驶经过交叉路口后失控撞上路旁的树
Cars catch on fire after severe high-speed impacts. That's nothing
new to Tesla or electric vehicles, but there's also no doubt that
battery fires are different from gas-powered car fires. The latest
example comes from a tragic fatal accident in Indianapolis early this
The driver and passenger of a Tesla Model S died after hitting a tree
at a reportedly high-speed. The car caught on fire following the
accident and was difficult to extinguish according to local
Local news interviewed a witness that said the vehicle was “speeding
when it lost control at the intersection, crashed into a tree, and
caught on fire”:
“It hit that tree and it bounced around, and all of a sudden it just
exploded, and I had to accelerate my vehicle because all the car
parts went up in the air and I had to accelerate just to get away
from it”
The driver, a woman, was pronounced dead at the scene, the passenger
in the car, a man, died at the hospital. Some reports state that it
took about 15 minutes for the rescue team to free the passenger from
the car.
Here's a video of the aftermath:
Spokeswoman for the Indianapolis Fire Department, Rita Reith,
commented on the fire:
“The car, kind of, for lack of a better term, disintegrated. The
debris field is at least 100 yards long. The batteries and the pieces
and parts from the Tesla - all which were on fire when firefighters
initially arrived.”
It's the fourth Tesla to catch on fire this year. Another instance
happened after an impact on the highway, while the two others
happened without any impact. One instance was during a test drive,
Tesla said that it was due to ‘electrical connection improperly
tightened' by a human instead of robots, and the other fire without
an impact happened while the car was charging at a Supercharger.
Tesla recommends using “large amounts of water” to extinguish a
battery fire in its vehicles and to use a thermal imaging camera to
monitor the battery for at least one hour after it is found to be
completely cooled:
“If the high voltage battery catches fire, is exposed to high heat,
or is bent, twisted, cracked, or breached in any way, use large
amounts of water to cool the battery. DO NOT extinguish with a small
amount of water. Always establish or request an additional water
Tesla offers extensive documentation and training for first
responders on its website.
It's worth noting that 174,000 car fires were reported on US
highways last year. Of course, the vast majority had nothing to do
with electric vehicles or Tesla
作者: ck940560 (しけ)   2016-11-04 01:42:00
第二三起起火原因我怎么觉得有点唬....高压线maintenance能拆的接头会有HVIL插头接错或没装好主继电器根本不会通电第三点也是,高压电器盒里面会短路就是硬件有问题两件看起来都是制造组装时的失误,更新软件是想干麻....就这么刚好,我电脑里正好有TESLA高压电器盒的STP档欸你身为一个特粉,会说出没锁好造成短路这种话实在不应该高压线的插接件设计很讲究的,你先去了解HVIL是什么...至于软件,我只能说车子电路不会设计成BMS、VCU、BCM任何一个模块有哪个PIN乱给电就会造成短路...那段英文写得很清楚了 就是组装时的失误这也不是什么连接电器设备 会用螺丝锁的就是电器盒内部这摆明就是品保管理的问题 说是人为有开脱嫌疑螺丝锁的是端子,不是接头....而连接电器设备用的是接头
作者: a001ou (肉虫)   2016-11-04 05:47:00
作者: b642897 (bowa)   2016-11-04 06:03:00
个案处理 哈哈
作者: apple777 (apple777)   2016-11-04 06:16:00
特斯拉今年的可靠度调查中29个排25名 超惨的豪车..这ID的文章一向主观超强 详情请看我前面的文章特斯拉可靠度最好的评价只有平均 这ID绝对不敢跟你说光看这篇文章的评论 连瞎子摸象都说的出来 水准如此罢了讲白一点 特斯拉现在还是没办法提高他的妥善率和可靠度当然这ID跟政客一样 不会跟你这样说就如我前面常说的 这人不愧是不懂装懂还能乱扯的大师就跟他的火箭一样 造的出来 但出事的原因还是找不到跟NOTE 7根本是超过87%像当然人家是靠着不懂装懂乱扯走天下 谁叫人家是大师这大师有没有护航、睁眼说瞎话 相信大家中文都比你好
作者: aimlin ( )   2016-11-04 07:11:00
就说柴油车比较安全了 懂了吧
作者: Barolo (Barolo)   2016-11-04 07:23:00
你护航什么? 你就去看看你回ck94什么不就知道了 何必问?你依新闻做出评论 ck94依SPT做出评论 两者根本不冲突真的不懂你为何要这么急着说ck94怎样又怎样的你信新闻没有错 但ck94信SPT也没有错 就像大众造假被抓前肯定有一堆人信大众 有人信相反的实验结果 如今证据确凿那些当初信大众的依然没错 因为他们是被大众骗的 所以你真的不需要为了不同意见急着跳脚 毕竟人家也是有所凭据
作者: chandler0227 (钱德勒)   2016-11-04 08:57:00
驱控器不是刚好在马达的另一侧中间隔着齿轮箱吗?这种大电的东西一般人哪会动到 就算是组装失误也是车厂组装时产生的吧Tesla讲求开发产品周期短更新快 会这样好像也是可以预见的这台组装靠人其他靠机械? 别闹了又不是prototype
作者: apple777 (apple777)   2016-11-04 09:28:00
人家是瞎子摸象 乱扯一通刚好而已 还有评价最惨的X呢S评价是平均 X则是....惨 人家越来越进步了呢特斯拉最有名就是自动化程度很高 还在那边瞎掰人工组装
作者: chandler0227 (钱德勒)   2016-11-04 09:34:00
到底是车厂还3C厂? 大电的问题耶产品周期短 测试不完善 潜在问题多
作者: apple777 (apple777)   2016-11-04 09:44:00
瞎掰大师又一最新乱扯力作 不考虑去当政客吗?
作者: chandler0227 (钱德勒)   2016-11-04 09:44:00
干嘛写信问 就当面问过工程师了 官方回答是在硅谷的造车公司 问题是那产品周期像3C 但车规测试要挤在这么短的产品周期内做好根本难 怎么达到车厂该有的可靠度?说的是产品开发周期,Tesla一款新车型开发时间比传统车厂缩短不少
作者: apple777 (apple777)   2016-11-04 10:08:00
平均"以上"?倒数第四名的确很高 果然是睁眼说瞎话大师
作者: dslite (呼呼)   2016-11-04 10:12:00
作者: apple777 (apple777)   2016-11-04 10:12:00
大师 可靠度都倒数了 还可以掰最好喔?黑的都可以凹到白的 最近刚出的排行也可以掰成这样
作者: endless0121 (囚鸟不要开招 开招时机?2)   2016-11-04 13:34:00
至少这起没什麽麽争议 高速自撞什么车都可能火灾@-@

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