※ 引述《oryza (绿光)》之铭言:
: http://business.time.com/2011/12/19/stop-changing-the-oil-every-3000-miles-already/
: Stop Changing the Oil Every 3,000 Miles Already!
: By Brad Tuttle @bradrtuttleDec. 19, 20113 Comments
: The Los Angeles Times spells out the fact that the 3,000-mile mantra just
: doesn’t apply to modern-day vehicles, and that changing the oil every 3,000
: miles often means paying two or three times more than is necessary:
: 5000公里就换机油已经不适合现代的汽车了.浪费钱而已.
: Improvement in oils, friction proofing and car engines have lengthened the
: oil-change interval, typically 7,500 miles to 10,000 miles for most vehicles.
: 油品质及引擎技术的提升7500-10000麦来换都适合多数的车.
: 车型更换机油周期的查询网站
: http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/UsedOil/OilChange/FindInterval/CheckYourNumber.aspx
: 每5千准时去换,又用保养厂推荐的杂牌没认证的油,只会被笑是潘仔.
现在欧美都用5w30 5w20
台湾用5w40 5w50保护性才够 v.s. 那个太黏 5w30 5w20保护性一样但更省油
用这保护性更好更不会热衰 符合原厂规范即可
台湾环境特殊湿热走走停停 车厂认证、甜甜圈