rivet (累~~~)
2016-07-22 02:15:48既然有人提到了Armstrong,版友可以趁这个机会从多个面向去了解这个家伙!
首先这个2015年初的访问,面对BBC的Dan Roan的问题...如果时光倒流,你还要不要作弊
,Armstrong 的回答是"probably do it again."!
这段历史的故事非常特别(尤其是道德上的两难), 分享一下跟Armstrong相关的纪录
片, 可以帮助麻瓜入场
首先是 Stop At Nothing The Lance Armstrong Story
另外一部是导过纪录片Taxi to the dark side的名导演 Alex Gibney 的
The Armstrong Lie
其中我比较推Stop At Nothing The Lance Armstrong Story
里头有几个主角的故事非常令人着迷, 分别是
1. Christophe Bassons, 一个不愿意跟大家一起使用禁药的车手, 结果被Armstrong
2. Greg Lemond, 三度环法冠军, 在Armstrong前唯一拿到环法冠军的美国人, 甘冒大不
主流媒体,怀疑Armstrong作弊, 结果被Armstrong的赞助厂商Trek恶搞, 而且还被
3. Betsy Andreu, Armstrong队友 Frankie Andreu 的老婆, 因为夫妇俩在听证会上被
迫做出不利于Armstrong的证词, 导致老公被Armstrong恶搞,这强悍的女子就大爆炸开始
被Armstrong恶搞到出名的还有 Emma O'Reilly、Filippo Simeoni跟一些
质疑Armstrong作弊的记者,例如Dave Walsh等...
在那个年代用药跟EPO都是普遍的现象,如今大部分的人厌恶Armstrong 并不在他的
背景故事在 Filippo Simeoni wiki 有介绍
More famous is Simeoni's argument with Lance Armstrong. Simeoni was treated
by doctor Michele Ferrari, who was also Armstrong's doctor. Simeoni testified
in court that he began doping in 1993, that Dr. Ferrari had prescribed him
doping products such as EPO and Human Growth Hormone in 1996 and 1997, and
that Ferrari also gave him instructions on how to use these products.[3] In
2001 and 2002 Simeoni was suspended for several months for doping use.
Armstrong reportedly called Simeoni a "liar" in an interview with the French
newspaper Le Monde in July 2003. Simeoni lodged a charge of defamation
against Armstrong and demanded €100,000. Simeoni announced that he would
give any money awarded to him to charity.
Simeoni上法院作证自己接受了Dr. Ferrari的指导如何用药跟使用EPO (Dr. Ferrari 凑
On the 18th stage of the 2004 edition of the Tour de France, Simeoni gapped
up to a breakaway of six riders that posed no threat to Armstrong's leading
position. Nevertheless, Armstrong followed Simeoni, which prompted
Armstrong's rival T-Mobile Team to try to catch the breakaway. This would not
only catch Simeoni but also eliminate the stage winning chances of the six
riders in the original breakaway. The six riders implored Armstrong to drop
back to the peloton, but Armstrong would not go unless Simeoni went with him
and the two riders dropped back to the peloton.[4] When Simeoni dropped back,
he was abused by other riders, including Andrea Peron, Filippo Pozzato and
Giuseppe Guerini. In a later interview, he told of how Daniele Nardello also
abused him, calling him "a disgrace".[5] Afterwards, Armstrong made a
"zip-the-lips" gesture but later said that Simeoni "did not deserve" to win a
stage. Two days later was the final stage, which is usually a slow stage in
which the Tour winner (in 2004 it was Armstrong) already celebrates his
victory. But in this stage Simeoni continuously attacked, to take revenge for
what Armstrong did three days before, but was reeled in every time by
Armstrong's team.[6] Simeoni was again insulted and spat at by other riders
after this.
ps.我自己认为 Armstrong的好胜心在车手中并不特别,但行销跟鸡掰的能力却是
Top 1,这点历史会给他公道的!
※ 引述《Boonen (Tommeke)》之铭言:
: 标题: [问题] Froome与阿姆斯壮的环法比较
: 时间: Thu Jul 21 17:53:05 2016
: 这边先不讨论用药的道德问题,
: 阿姆斯壮在环法七连霸上的表现与 Froome这几年, 比较起来有什么特别的差异点吗?
: 壮哥在威的时候我才国小, 只知道那时候新闻都会说环法根本是 Tour de Lance
: (Lance Armstrong)
: 他的个人能力强项是在哪边? 他当时的队友又是如何呢?
: Froome除了个人爬坡能力, 再加上这届的下坡能力跟冲刺能力, 感觉更全面了
: 还有 Team Sky 到处蒐集 GC 车手组成的梦幻队伍
: 有没有老车迷可以分析比较一下的?