[讨论] 钛强 Terrence Jones IG

楼主: mmmn52332 (BlackJimmy)   2022-11-30 09:26:34
I know it’s been a rough start but I want to thank my brothers for the
effort and fight tonight we battle together and played hard to the end of the
game we still are building chemistry and getting better every day sometimes
greatness takes time thank you to all the fans for the energy and support I
loved the energy from the fans at the game to the ones watching at home
thank you
连接: https://www.instagram.com/p/CljMVHvJyCY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
作者: Derricklin21 (Wannahoop)   2022-11-30 09:36:00
这些洋将的心态真的不是普通的好...本土球员真的该学学 不要动不动就在社群气氛
作者: James2015566 (姆斯5566)   2022-11-30 09:37:00
交通队长 表示:
作者: Derricklin21 (Wannahoop)   2022-11-30 09:51:00
交警真的不想打就别打了 伤害球队
作者: lcs1024vvvvv (Spico)   2022-11-30 10:13:00
昨天扛辛巴真的扛得不错 希望本土多提供一点火力支援
作者: freaky791011 (李扯)   2022-11-30 11:08:00
进攻四打五还要扛辛巴 没话讲
作者: stanley93620 (鱼丸)   2022-11-30 11:31:00
作者: globalspirit (爱地球的地球魂)   2022-11-30 11:44:00

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