[情报] 2022亚洲杯16支球队战力排名 中华队13th

楼主: kenny1300175 (蘇湖)   2022-07-14 14:16:53
Asia Cup Power Rankings, Volume 1: Defending champs on top
12/07/2022 NEWS
1. 澳洲
2. 黎巴嫩
3. 新西兰
4. 韩国
5. 日本
6. 约旦
7. 中国
8. 菲律宾
9. 巴林
10. 哈萨克斯坦
11. 沙特阿拉伯
12. 伊朗
13. 中华台北
14. 印尼
15. 印度
16. 叙利亚
*The power rankings are entirely subjective based on recent events/results/
announcements and is in no way a true, accurate ranking systems. All comments
are purely those of the author.
**These power rankings were made taking in consideration of the results from
the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 Asian Qualifiers and the roster updates by
each team playing in Asia Cup 2022.
楼主: kenny1300175 (蘇湖)   2022-07-14 14:19:00
请问哪篇 爬文没看到石油王居然在伊朗前面
作者: Derricklin21 (Wannahoop)   2022-07-14 14:30:00
作者: jingle870524 (Jingle)   2022-07-14 14:31:00
作者: theundertake (joker)   2022-07-14 14:50:00
作者: Zombieslayer   2022-07-14 15:40:00
2013赢过中国 应该排在中国前面

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