爱德 2019/3/15
My dad is a basketball coach, so it’s not surprising that I started to play
basketball at a very young age. My elder brother also plays basketball profes
sionally now. When we were little, we practiced together. Practicing with thos
e who are three years older than me helped me become more physical. In additio
n, we often played one-on-one in summer.
At 10 years old, I went to a bigger city to play basketball. My mom drove me
there and watched me practice every day, so she understands basketball as wel
l. Sometimes my family try not to talk about basketball at home. All of us agr
ee on that. But five minutes later, our topic turns back to basketball. We can
’t help. We are basketball family!
In fact, when I was not a professional player, I was quite good at academic
subjects. I like math, and I was even one of the best kids at school. However,
I like basketball more. Thus, when my home city team invited me to join in, I
accepted immediately. I was 13, and I was the youngest player in the league t
hen. When I went on the court, I was shaking.
When I was 15 years old, I went alone to our capital, Vilnius, to play in th
e second tier of Lithuanian league. It’s also the moment that I knew basketba
ll would be my living. Actually, all my life, I was thinking that I'm gonna be
a basketball player. But when I signed the contract, I knew that I would make
money by playing basketball for real.
At that time, I was still a student. I had morning practice, then I went to
school, and went to practice again. Although I stopped going to school afterwa
rds, I still took exams and finished the schoolwork. Everything was fine.
I was preparing to be a center at first because I was 185 cm tall when I was
13. But in Vilnius, the coach told me that I had to shoot. My coach helped me
a lot to build my confidence, so I started to be the shooter, playing like a
shooting guard.
People put huge expectation on me because I started to play basketball early
. I have been to a lot of basketball camps, like Jordan Brand Classic. I playe
d an all-star game with Wiggins and Hezonja, and practiced with Anthony Davis.
When I was 16 years old, I had a lot of offers. American universities and one
of the best European teams gave me offers.
像是Jordan Brand Classic。我和Wiggins(现NBA球员),还有Hezonja(现NBA球员)一起打
过明星赛。我们也和Anthony Davis(现NBA球员)一起练过球。16岁的时候,我有满多打球
But I don't like American style basketball. American basketball is just one-
on-one. I like to play more like a team. That's why I stayed in Europe. Eventu
ally, I chose one of the best Lithuanian teams to sign the contract.
(爱德与他在立陶宛BC Rytas的队友,取自爱德Instagram帐号。)
I was one of the best European players at my age. I played very good in LKL
(the premier professional basketball league in Lithuania), and I was starting
five in every game. In 2012, I got a chance to play in Junior EuroLeague. Howe
ver, the worst thing happened...
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※ 编辑: primapiske (, 03/15/2019 20:36:03