作家兼金融记者Michael Lewis在他的新书The Undoing Project内提及,书豪是莫雷预测
“He lit up our model,” said Morey. “Our model said take him with, like,
the 15th pick in the draft.” The objective measurement of Jeremy Lin didn’t
square with what the experts saw when they watched him play; a not terribly
athletic Asian kid. Morey hadn’t completely trusted his model – and so had
chickened out and not drafted Lin. A year after the Houston Rockets failed to
draft Jeremy Lin, they began to measure the speed of a player’s first two
steps: Jeremy Lin had the quickest first move of any player measured. He was
explosive and was able to change direction far more quickly than most NBA
players. “He’s incredibly athletic,” said Morey.
"But the reality is that every **** person, including me,
thought he was unathletic. And I can’t think of any reason for it
other than he was Asian."
※ 引述《sky20638 (bluebox)》之铭言:
: 根据维基百科截止2011年的美国高等学院总数为4599间。
: 假设一半的学校有篮球校队,也有2300间,基本上能够挑战NBA这个世界篮球最高殿堂的
: 必定是先发球员,所以先将2300*5=11500人,但NBA 每年正式选秀的名额了不起就60人,
: 就算发展联盟能吃下200人好了,一年能挑战最高殿堂的人数也才260人,占上述先发球员
: 的比例2.2%,还没计算欧洲跟加拿大的球员,所以就算只是过水NBA,还是非常非常困难的
: 。
: Q的优势除了臂展及意识之外,其他条件在美国大学里面抓,可以抓到一堆比他高、比他
: 快、比他壮的球员,天花板的高度相对于其他爆发力强的球员来说显得太低了,对于一个
: 球队而言,挑选球员一定会看球员的天赋及天花板,所谓天赋很多都是先天条件,Q在这
: 点得到的分数太低了,不是看不起Q,是挑战NBA的难度非常的高,不要太小看NBA了,就算
: 只是过水,也都是在篮球这个领域中的佼佼者。