The Hornets announced this evening that junior guard Jeff Wu will miss the
remainder of the season with a leg injury. That's three Sacramento State
guards that are out for the season, and each figured to be a big part of the
rotation. Marcus Graves, who had started 62 straight games, has missed the
entire season after undergoing back surgery while Jiday Ugbaja has missed all
but six games with a leg injury. Wu had played 25 games (22 starts) before
going down late in the game at Montana.
目前就读于沙加缅度州大三年级的台湾控卫 吴永盛
至于吴永盛在大三球季一共出赛25场比赛 (其中22场担任先发)
平均上场 23.8分钟,缴出 5.6分 1.8篮板 1.8助攻 0.7抄截
整体投篮命中率 41.4%、三分球命中率 34.9%