在Marshalltown CC的第二场比赛,高国豪先发上阵,上场29分钟,8投4中包含2记三分球,拿下10分5助攻4篮板1抄截。丁丁则是从板凳出发,上场19分钟缴出8分2助攻1篮板。球队则以86-72击败Iowa Central CC,拿下二连胜。 .
The freshmen guard from Taipei, Taiwan dropped 10 points, had 4 rebounds, and recorded 5 assist on the night. His ability to move and change direction quickly opens up space and provides him the time to make great passes.
"Oscar is a great talent for this team, he played a great first half and struggled in the second but he will work through that and get better as the season progresses," stated coach Brynjarsson after the game.
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