bnman (诉说的太缓慢...........)
2020-02-16 14:08:39Justice - What's the right thing to do - Michael J. Sandel
The Practice of Management - Peter Drucker
- 100
Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Peter Drucker
- 100
Resonate - Mamcu Duarte
- 100
Security Analysis - Graham 6/e
- 200 (有划线、笔记)
Common Sense on Mutual Funds
- New Impreatives for the Interlligent Investor - Bogle
- 200 (有划线、笔记)
Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits - Philip Fisher
- 200
Winning the Loser's Game 6/e - Charless Ellis
- 200
The Four Pillars of Investing - Willaim Bernstein
- 200
Stocks for the Long Run 5/e - Jeremy Siegel
- 200
A Random Walk Down Wall Street - Burton Malkiel
- 200
The Intelligent Investor - Graham
- 200
全部一起买 1500就好