spy006 (FreeDom)
2016-09-19 13:27:32外文系用书
The Development of Languages, Berko Gleason, 6th edition, Pearson 硬皮精装本
The Norton Anthology English Literature Volumn 2, Greenblatt, 8th edition,
Norton 硬皮精装本
Calculus Early Transcendentals (International Student Edition) + CD, James
Stewart, 5th edition, Thomson 有笔记,大量破损但不影响阅读
Fundamentals of Probability with Stochastic Processes, Chahramani, 3th
edition, Pearson
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Mano Kime, 3rd edition, Pearson
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri & Navathe, 5th edition, Addison
Computer Netwroking: A Top-Down Approach, Kurose Ross, 4th edtion, Pearson
Assembly Langugage For Intel-Based Computers, Irvine, 5th edition, Pearson
Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen Leiserson Rivest Stein, 2nd edition, the
MIT Press
Crafting A Compiler with C, Fischer LeBlanc, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Company 硬皮精装本,有笔记
Cryptography Theory and Practice, Stinson, 3rd edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC 硬
Operating System Principles (恐龙书), Silberschatz Galvin Gagne, 7th edition,
A Course in Combinatorics, Van Lint & Wilson, 2nd edition, Cambridge
Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, Horowitz Sahni Mehta, 2nd edition,
Silicon Press
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardward/Software Interface
(International Edition,) Patterson Hennessy, 3rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann
Concepts of Programming Languages, Sebesta, 8th edition, Addison Wesley
Introduction of the Theory of Computation (International Edition), Sipser,
2nd edtion, Thomson
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