书名:CFA program curriculum Level 2
1. Vol 1 Ethical and Professional Standards,
Quantitative Methods, and Economics
ISBN 978-0-558-16023-4
2. Vol 2 Financial Reporting and analysis
ISBN 978-0-558-16024-1
3. Vol 3 Corporate Finance
ISBN 978-0-558-16025-8
4. Vol 4 Equity
ISBN 978-0-225-16026-5
5. Vol 5 Alternative Asset Valuation and Fixed Income
ISBN 978-0-558-16027-2
6. Vol 6 Derivatives and portfolio management
ISBN 978-0-558-16028-9
说明: 共六本 均为二手,有划线笔记,书内的题目也用原子笔写过
欲售: NT1,500 可议
交易: 台北市可约面交 or 外县市含邮
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