[课本] (大学/研究所)电子/电机/资工/应数书籍

楼主: doggn (...)   2014-06-29 15:17:32
露天卖场 http://goo.gl/zbuKLO
《DELPHI 6程式设计快乐上手 (2101793)》ISBN:9572237551│松岗文魁│洪国胜、张建
原 $150
《Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment》ISBN:0201563177│
Addison-Wesley│W. Richard Stevens $500
《Tcp/Ip Illustrated》ISBN:0201634953│Addison-Wesley│Stevens, W.
Richard/Wright, Gary R. $350
《Operating System Concepts》精装本│ISBN:0471262722│John Wiley & Sons│
James L. Peterson,Abraham Silberschatz $250
Sons│GEREZ $400
《Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics》ISBN:0130888923│PrenticeHall
│Dunham, Margaret H. $200
《数学导论》ISBN:9575991451│水牛出版社(三指)│库兰特,罗奔驰合著 $150
《Modern Information Retrieval》│Addison-Wesley│Ricardo
Baeza-Yates,Berthier Ribeiro-Neto│ ISBN 020139829X $250
《Verilog硬件描述语言》ISBN:9572125176│全华图书公司│黄英叡,江文启 $150
《Software Engineering》ISBN:0321210263│Addison Wesley│Sommerville, Ian
《Introduction to Electric Circuits》ISBN:0471452335│John Wiley & Sons│
Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda $250
《FreeBSD 完全探索(附光盘)》ISBN:9867944925│上奇科技│Michael Lucas 著 $300
《Electronics 2/e》ISBN:0130857653│Prentice Hall│Hambley $300
《Foundations of Computer Science》ISBN:0534379680│Baker & Taylor Books│
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Sophia Chung Fegan $150
《Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis (3rd Edition)》
ISBN:0201612445│Addison-Wesley│Sara Baase,Al $300
《Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools》ISBN:0201101947│Addison-Wesley
│Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ul $100
《CMOS VLSI DESIGN》ISBN:0321269772│Addison Wesley│Neil H.E. Weste,
DavidHarris $450
《Circuit Design With VHDL》ISBN:0262162245│The MIT Press│Pedroni, VolneiA.
《Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5/e》ISBN:0321211030│Addison Wesley
│Grimaldi $450
《Calculus With Analytic Geometry》ISBN:0618141804│Baker & Taylor Books│
RonLarson,Robert P. Hostetler,Bruce H. Ed $200
《Linear Algebra With Applications》ISBN:0763714518│Baker & Taylor Books│
Gareth Williams $200
《Probability and statistics for engineering and the sciences》ISBN:0534466834
│Baker & Taylor Books│Jay Devore $200

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