学妹我又来 po 文了~ XD
这次有一个 资深工程师 的缺
开出来的 requirement 如下
ps. 资深工程师的年薪加一加应该会有 150 以上吧
因为我还没有资深过,详细数字我不知道 XD
不过用我自己的职等 & 薪水来推,不会低于这个数字
Java Application Architect
* Company: TSMC
* Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Analyze, design and develop IT solutions to support critical business
processes (Research and Development, Engineering, Logistics,
Manufacturing, etc.) and fulfill business needs.
2. Work in a collaborative development environment, and provide assistance
and technical guidance to Project Managers, System Analysts,
Programmers, and other team members throughout the software
development life cycle.
3. Enforce the compliance of corporate quality management procedures, and
also the adoption of technical best practices for application
4. Evaluate tools and products that may increase development productivity
and build proof of concept prototypes.
* Qualifications:
1. 5+ years hands on experience in multi-tier software design and
development using Java/J2EE technology, including JSP, JavaScript,
JSF, Java Servlet, EJB, JDBC, Web Services and Java based XML API.
2. 3+ years of experience in the design and development of enterprise-class
projects with strong customer focus.
3. Strong knowledge and experience in BPM, SOA and complex integrations.
4. Strong experience in OOAD, UML, RUP and tools like IBM Rational Suite.
5. Have in-depth familiarity with Java language, including J2SE & J2EE, as
well as commonly used tools and frameworks such as AJAX, Struts,
Spring and Hibernate.
6. Experience with multiple application servers (WebLogic, WebSphere,
JBoss, Tomcat, etc.)
7. Experience in SAP NetWeaver Portal design and development is a big plus.
8. Strong knowledge of the design and implementation relational databases,
with hands-on experience with at least one of Oracle, DB2, and
SQL Server
9. Highly motivated and results driven in both team and individual projects.
10.Experience working with a small group of developers in a fast-paced
* Education: Master degree in Computer Science or Information Management
※ 引述《babysilkwarm (小呗)》之铭言:
: 学长姐好~
: 我是 b92 的学妹
: 现在在台积电上班~
: 我们部门是支援生产的 IT 单位 ( 也就是写跟机台自动化相关的程式 )
: 我觉得我们部门很不错!
: 我的部经 & 副理们人都很好
: 不强迫员工加班,还鼓励员工多运动!
: 所以除了几个 section 有需要轮班 on call 之外
: ( on call 也是带着手机回家接 call,而且大家轮流、一次轮一个礼拜而已 )
: 其他时间几乎不用加班的 (六七点就下班囉)
: 现在我的部门有在征人喔
: 快快,有谁要找工作的 XD
: 我觉得我们这边的缺真的很不错!
: 条件是大学和研究所都要前面的国立大学
: ( 台 清 交 成 中央 中正 etc )
: 资工、资管等等资讯相关的应该就都可以
: 有兴趣的快跟我联络 :p