I'm married on 10/27/07!!!

楼主: Agawa (想家)   2007-11-13 12:35:47
Dear all,
I'm Hsieh, Ming-yu. I've got married on Oct 27, 2007 in Los Angeles, CA.
The wedding went smoothly and we all had a good time. Some picutres of the
wedding taken by our photographer have been posted on her blog at,
Thank you for some of yours best wishes in previous post. I've seen them
and they were very sweet. I haven't talked to most of you for a while.
I'm doing my PhD at the Dept of ECE at UNM, USA. I'm working on
computational modeling of cell signaling pathways
and am planning to graduate next Spring. My husband is ABT and is a
engineer at the national lab in New Mexico. He is about 4 years older
than I am.
I've made a video/slideshow of how my husband and I met
and a video/slideshow of us growing up
At 6:30 pm On 12/29/2007, we'd have a wedding reception
at the Grand Hotel (Yuan-Shan) in Taipei. You are cordially
invited. If you're interested in coming, please send me an email
mightygenie at gmail dot com
作者: etoner ( )   2006-01-13 22:10:00
这边也要再给它贺一下!! :D
作者: KenHuang (ken)   2006-01-13 23:52:00
作者: TKirby ( :D)   2006-01-14 01:59:00
恭喜 :)
作者: windperson (牙痛魔人╯_╰∥)   2006-01-14 13:09:00
作者: MagicBunny (氢氧化傅科随便摆)   2006-01-15 11:00:00
恭喜 :D
作者: MUDFISH (爱猩执行委员会)   2006-01-16 02:46:00
为什么每次看别人结婚制作的影片都会笑中带泪勒 恭喜啊~
作者: tonysun (mmm)   2006-01-19 04:31:00
恭喜 这是本班第几对呢
作者: sorryChen (陈扬和)   2006-01-19 13:45:00
作者: tonysun (mmm)   2006-01-20 07:22:00
楼上说话小心 我们宅男一不小心就会说错话喔:p
作者: LGiant (好友名单遗失:~)   2006-01-22 02:10:00
作者: Psycap (siraPcitsatnaF)   2006-01-24 22:25:00
恭喜 :)

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