w4a2y4 (阿甯)
2016-01-09 21:11:17※ [本文转录自 NTU-Exam 看板 #1GzdO4P2 ]
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作者: knightwins (翔) 看板: NTU-Exam
标题: [试题] 101上 周承复 计算机概论 期末考
时间: Wed Jan 16 17:42:26 2013
试题 :
1. (10%) Search
a) At most, how many entries in a list of 5000 names will be interrogated
when using the binary search algorithm ?
b) At most, how many entries in a list of 5000 names will be interrogated
when using the sequential search algorithm ?
2. (20%) Transition Process in Programming Language
a) (10%) Briefly describe the task of each of the following.
Lexical analyzer, Parser, Code Generator.
b) (10%) Draw the parse tree for the expression x+y*z/x+y based on the
syntax diagrams in the appendix.
3. (10%) Rewrite the following routine using a prettest while statement.
repeat (print the value of X;
X ← X+1 )
until (X > 5)
4. (10%)Encrypt the message "this is an exercise" using a simple transposition
cipher with the following key :
Encryption ↓ 1234 ↑ Decryption
Ignore the space between words.Decrypt the message to get the original
5. (10%)
a) What are two protocols for implementing the transport level in the
"TCP/IP" hierarchy ?
b) Identify a protocol used in the implementation of the network layer in
the TCP/IP hierarchy.
6. (15%) Where would be the most likely place to put a firewall to provide
each of the following services ?
a) Protect an entire domain from attacks from the cloud.
b) Protect an entire domain from spam mail.
c) Protect an individual machine from worms and viruses.
7. (10%) In object-oriented concepts, please explain (a) Inheritance, and
(b) Polymorphism
8. (5%) True or False (if False, please explain)
a) The peer-to-peer model involves processes that provide service to and
receive service from each other. The peer-to-peer model usually involves
processes that execute continuously.
b) When using the CSMA/CD protocol, the machine wait before trying again
if collision occurs after they start transmission.
c) N-unicast forces the server to send multiple copies of each message (one
to each client), whereas multicast allows the server to send only one
copy, which is distributed to each of the clients.
d) UDP actually confirms that the entire message made it to the destination
whereas TCP does not. However, TCP is more efficient.
e) Public-key encryption is a system by which messages can be encrypted
using a publicly known encoding key but deciphered only by using a
private decoding key.
9. (10%) Which algorithm method (iteration or recursive) would you use to get
a big number in Fibonacci sequence when you want to write an
effective program to solve it ? Why ?
10. (10%)
procedure Modify (Y)
Y ← X+1;
print the value of X;
print the value of Y.
Also suppose that X is a global variable.
If parameters are passed by value, what will be printed when the following
program segment is executed ? What if parameters are passed by reference ?
X ← 5;
print the value of X;
apply the procedure Modify to X;
print the value of X;