moron (哇系低能儿)
2022-08-26 04:05:10空英上听到的,主题在聊健忘,男老师说他常忘记东西放哪,需要他老婆时时提醒他,
Gabe: For the fact that if I get into the habit I'm always forgetting.
Anne Marie: You don't actually know where anything is.
Gabe: Yes, because I'm not training myself actually remember right?
Anne Marie: It's a _____. (发音像是cra-tch)
Gabe: It could be a _____, exactly.
Enable me to continue um... you know with that weakness to be forgetful
or something like that. Friends I know, that describes a lot of you
as well.
录音: https://whyp.it/tracks/38350/20220825?token=394K0