maffy (Smooth)
2017-09-22 11:38:29大家好
我是国小一年级生的妈妈, 最近国小举行英文朗读比赛(故事长度3分钟内),
虽然找书局的英文故事书, 文法用字才会是正确的,
但我想试试看自己来, 本身英文不是很好,
2.若是要收费, 多少费用合理呢?
Collie puppy
Collie is a puppy lived in the farm.
He likes to play in the field and running in the meadow..
Every morning, the rooster wakes the farmer and animals up,
and the hens lay eggs.
Collie has seen the farmer collected the wool from sheep.
Collie wonders what works can I do in the farm.
He asks a terrier in the farm names Mini.
“I catch mice at the barn.
These mice and rats damage the farmer's grain.
Maybe you can try to catch mice.” Mini says.
Collie sniffs around the barn and found a rat!
He is after the rat and almost on it.
The rat is passing under the cabinet.
Collie is too big to pass under the cabinet.
He is not so good at mousing.
Collie tries mousing outside the barn and sees a Beagle hunting in the field.
The beagle's fur is suite for hiding in the bushes
but Collie's long fur is stuck in the bush.
One day, the farmer takes Collie to the meadow.
The sheep are grazing.
Collie is very excited and running around the sheep
that makes the sheep come together in a flock.
The farmer says “lie down” to make Collie slow down.
The black and white fur of Collie is flowing on the air,
shining in the meadow .
Collie feels confident and happy.
He wants to learn more skills.
Collie thinks "this is the best work I can do!".