noQQ (nO)
2014-11-08 13:56:12大家好,对方有回信给我
Your subscription for account cb682391b750 was canceled.
You are no longer subscribed to recurring subscription. Your Gold status will expire on 2014-11-15 and won't be renewed.
Please note that your Purchase Product Form was "$11.95 - 1 month GOLD membership with rebill". That is why your Gold status was automatically renewed.
We recommend you to always check your purchased product BEFORE confirming your payment to avoid such issues.
Thank you for contacting Depositfiles Customer Support!
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us anytime.
※ 引述《noQQ (nO)》之铭言:
: 标题: [请问] 求救这几句英文
: 时间: Thu Nov 6 23:25:09 2014
: 我8月时在depositfiles这网站买了一个月的下载权限
: 帐单在9月时缴费,但10月11月还是有这笔款项
: 我打电话给信用卡客服,他们说就算剪卡也没用还是得付
: 叫我去找网站的人取消,他说我有可能申请时按到按月缴
: 因为当时付款画面全是英文,所以有可能@@
: 后来我就在这网站寄信给他
: 我不太懂英文,我打了这些
: I want to cancel my account number
: NO automatically debits
: thanks
: 以下是他们回我的
: Dear Customer!
: Your question is beyond the competence of the agency Halileo.
: The solution to your question can be achieved in order to direct appeal for support of the resource DepositFiles.com one of the following ways:
: - Request for General Support category page http://depositfiles.com/tickets/?groupId=1
: - E-mail: support@depositfiles.com
: - ICQ: 633929139.
: "