ntuawec (NTU AWEC)
2016-10-20 17:00:53【Communication and Creativity】系列演讲工作坊之A: On Being a Creative Writer
[演讲 Talk]
The Magic of Tale-Telling: Writing Techniques & Strategies
2016/10/21 (Friday) 14:00-15:00
Dana Liu (NTU AWEC Instructor)(以英文演讲 Talk in English)
[工作坊 Workshop]
The Magic of Tale-Telling: Its Application in Academic Writing
2016/10/21 (Friday) 15:00-17:00
Chen Chang (NTU AWEC Instructor)
Liberal Education Classroom Bldg.(博雅教学馆) Rm. 405/406
We live in an age when science and academic research, long separated from the
realm of tale-telling, once again unites with the realm. Popular science
writing, TEDtalks and 3MT competitions have become useful tools for
researchers and experts to connect with a wider community. By pairing complex
scientific inquiry with the fresh immediacy of a story, they mix a potent
concoction that can sway opinion, challenge beliefs, influence, educate, and
inform. Indeed, all good science writing shares in common a single approach:
they describe how science happens instead of just the facts alone. They
emphasize a journey