[情报] 本周游戏特价(2/23~3/1)2K Publisher Sale

楼主: TETUO (鉄雄)   2016-02-23 10:46:07
http://goo.gl/Nv7vyz Major Nelson
Adventures of Pip N/A 7.50/ 249 N/A 299.5/ 129
*Borderlands:The Handsome Collection 716 24.00/ 798 187.2/ 801 1399.6/ 603
Call of Duty:Black Ops III 1152 40.19/1337 304.9/1304 2679.3/1155
Call of Duty:Black Ops III Deluxe 2498 79.99/2660 613.6/2625 4399.2/1896
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1073 23.99/ 798 284.7/1218 1259.4/ 543
*Evolve数位豪华版(不含狩猎季票2) 568 16.50/ 549 128.7/ 551 1009.5/ 435
*Evolve 432 13.20/ 439 103.0/ 441 857.7/ 370
├*Evolve狩猎季票1 176 6.00/ 199 46.0/ 197 303.6/ 131
└*Evolve狩猎季票2 276 10.00/ 332 72.4/ 310 479.6/ 207
Metro 2033 Redux 135 5.00/ 166 29.8/ 128 174.8/ 75
Metro Redux Bundle 210 7.50/ 249 39.8/ 170 299.8/ 129
Metro: Last Light Redux 135 5.00/ 166 29.8/ 128 174.8/ 75
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected 216 8.00/ 266 47.6/ 204 279.6/ 121
SR IV:Re-Elected & Gat out of Hell 210 7.50/ 249 39.8/ 170 299.8/ 129
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell 176 6.00/ 199 39.6/ 169 239.6/ 103
The Escapists 178 6.60/ 220 39.3/ 168 217.5/ 94
├DLC Bundle 96 3.30/ 110 26.1/ 112 138.3/ 60
├*Alcatraz 50 2.00/ 67 12.7/ 54 83.8/ 36
├*Duct Tapes Are Forever 80 3.01/ 100 21.4/ 92 138.7/ 60
└*Escape Team 80 3.01/ 100 21.4/ 92 138.7/ 60
The Long Dark(Game Preview) N/A 14.99/ 499 N/A 524.3/ 226
*WWE 2K16数位豪华版 1625 53.99/1795 421.2/1802 3119.4/1344
*WWE 2K16 1199 40.19/1336 313.6/1341 2679.3/1155
└*Season Pass(优惠套装) 552 19.99/ 665 111.2/ 476 799.4/ 344
Game Preview为预览游戏计画,游戏未完成有可能频繁更新
XBOX 360
金会员价格(一般会员) NTD USD 类型
BioShock 227(296) 6.59 (8.59) 随选
BioShock 2 194(253) 6.59 (8.59) 随选
BioShock Infinite 359(468) 9.89(12.89) 随选
└Season Pass(优惠套装) 178(232) 6.59 (8.59) DLC
Borderlands 2 359(468) 6.59 (8.59) 随选
└Season Pass(优惠套装) 326(425) 9.89(12.89) DLC
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 392(511) 13.19(17.19) 随选
└Season Pass(优惠套装) 277(361) 9.89(12.89) DLC
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Bundle 990 29.99 随选
Civilization Revolution 168(252) 5.99 (8.99) 随选
Dead Island 98 2.99 随选
Dead Island Riptide 98 2.99 随选
Escape Dead Island 118 3.99 随选
*Gears of War 2:AllFronts Collection 108 3.29 DLC
*Gears of War 3 Season Pass 326 9.89 DLC
Metro 2033 148 4.99 随选
Metro: Last Light 147 4.99 随选
Saints Row 58 1.99 随选
Saints Row 2 58 1.99 随选
Saints Row: The Third 122 3.74 随选
Saints Row IV 272 8.74 随选
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell 147 4.49 随选
Spec Ops: The Line N/A 5.99 (8.99) 随选
WWE 2K16 745(894) 29.99(35.99) 随选
└Season Pass(优惠套装) 552(621) 19.99(22.49) DLC
【*】支援Xbox One向下相容
Black Ops III Xbox 360版没有中文化及单机战役,卖场语言为误植
Gears of War 2:All Fronts Collection"战火前线加强版"DLC

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