f16leon (COCO)
2015-01-22 22:13:19※ 引述《bleachman (飞天雪狐)》之铭言:
: 昨天完的时候还好好的
: 刚刚要玩个几场发现光盘无法读取
: http://imgur.com/yCWfaTp
: 无法读取此光盘
: 请擦拭光盘(重点是我光盘完全没刮痕阿
: 只好拿眼镜布意思意思一下
: 搞了半天终于可以读取进入游戏后
: 结果跑到泰坦动画直接闪退回到桌面
: 重新开机后给我出现这个
: http://imgur.com/0FcadIM
: 求版上大大指点
Affected platforms:
Xbox 360
Affected services:
Accessing or retrieving data stored using cloud storage
1/22/2015 6:10:39 AM CST:
Xbox members, we're aware that some of you are unable to upload Worlds in
"Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition". Our team is engaged and working hard to get this
issue fixed ASAP. Thanks for staying patient while we work! We'll update you
again when we have more information.