John Cena 宣布即将引退
John Cena在MITB上亮相
引退最终战预计为2025年的Wrestlemania 41上举行
WWE legend John Cena announces retirement and full tour plan after 'Money in t
he Bank'
Wrestling star John Cena announces retirement from WWE
Cena is a 16-time world champion in the world of WWE, and is regarded by some
as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time.
US wrestling star John Cena has announced he is retiring from competing in Wor
ld Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) events.
Speaking at the Money In The Bank event in Toronto, Canada, the 47-year-old sa
id his last appearances will be at the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and
WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas, in 2025.
He said he had been doing WWE for over two decades and over the course of his
career had seen "incredible prosperity" and "tremendous hardship".
The star's announcement was met by a cheering crowd who went on to chant "Than
k you Cena".
"What in incredible gesture of kindness," Cena said in response to fans in the
arena. "I wanna say thank you, thank you so much for letting me play in the h
ouse that you built."