jim1029 (大宗)
2014-06-20 16:07:38分数范围 ★★★★★ 1~5
Goal Choice
Best Player E. Kawashima Japan
Worst Player K. Katsouranis Greece
E. Kawashima 川岛永嗣 3.5
Despite his team's level of possession he was probably the goalkeeper who had
to make the more important saves. Denied Fetfatzidis and Gekas impressively.
虽然球队持球比率很高 但是他比对手还更需要扑救 精采地挡下Fetfatzidis和Gekas
A. Uchida 内田笃人 3
Pushed up on the right and looked to feed the attackers intermittently. He
was impressive in the closing stages but no one attacked his frequent crosses.
在右路为攻击手供输 末段表现出色但是传中球都没人接应
Y. Konno 今野泰幸 3
Did not have an awful lot to worry about from Greece, though at set plays his
marking could have been better. At times looked worried on the ball.
不太需要担心希腊的进攻 但是一些定位球的防守可以更好
M. Yoshida 吉田麻也 3
A solid performance in the heart of defence, though he was not given an awful
lot to worry about by the largely impotent Greek side.
防守稳固 而且希腊也没什么空进攻
Y. Nagatomo 长友佑都 3.5
Attacked well on the left and whipped a number of impressive deliveries into
the box for the forwards. His dribbling caused numerous problems.
左翼的攻击不错 几个送进禁区的球令人印象深刻
H. Yamaguchi 山口蛍 3
Passed impressively in his deep-lying midfield position but not enough of it
provided an attacking injection or any penetration.
传导出色的组织中场 但是传球不够有穿透力
S. Okazaki 冈崎慎司 2.5
Worked fairly hard in attack but offered very little of substance as Japan
proved fairly blunt. His touch let him down in vital areas on occasions.
攻击很努力 但是跟日本的攻击一样钝 控球能力常让他在关键区域失望
M. Hasebe 长谷部诚 2.5
Used the ball efficiently in midfield but was withdrawn at the interval after
picking up a yellow card in the first half.
中场有效率地运用球 不过拿到黄牌后被换下场
Y. Okubo 大久保嘉人 3
Drifted in from the left and attempted to link the play, but wasted his
team's best opportunity midway through the second half. He was always a
threat, though.
试着融入进攻 但是下半场中段浪费掉了球队的最佳机会 不过在场上仍然是个威胁
K. Honda 本田圭佑 2.5
The AC Milan man saw plenty of the ball and passed it well, however, he was
unable to provide a killer pass to unlock the Greece defence.
球权很多传球也不错 但就是没办法给斯巴达圆盾致命一击
Y. Osako 大迫勇也 2.5
Had a couple of good efforts on goal in the first half, one of which went
narrowly wide, but vanished after the break before being replaced by Kagawa.
上半场有几次不错的进攻 有一次只差了球门一点 但是中场前就神隐了
Y. Endo 远藤保仁 2.5
Came on for Hasebe at half time and sprayed some decent passes from midfield.
He forced a late save from Karnezis but most of his set pieces were extremely
中场替换了长谷 中场分球不错 比赛后段挑战过一次门将 但是大部分定位球的处理都不好
S. Kagawa 香川真司 3
Replaced Osako in the 57th minute but didn't quite have the galvanising
impact Zaccheroni would have wanted. Still got in behind and created a couple
of chances, though.
57分时取代了大迫 但是没有起到Zaccheroni想要的作用 虽然还是有创造几个机会
O. Karnezis 3.5
Was largely untested in the first half but when called upon later he proved
effective, making good saves from Okubo and Endo.
上半场没什么挑战 但是对手攻击时他都能有效守住
K. Manolas 3.5
Read the game well throughout the evening to make a number of vital
interceptions which kept Japan at bay for large periods.
解读比赛能力出色 截断了很多关键球 让日本大部分时间都没有造成伤害
S. Papastathopoulos 3
Was extremely difficult to beat in a one-on-one situation and made some
important clearances. He almost gifted Uchida a goal late on after being too
casual in the box.
一对一很难击退他 有些重要的解围 但是有一次在禁区太随性差点送了内田大礼
J. Holebas 3
His deliveries from set plays created a few chances for his team and he
played at a high level. He let his concentration slip slightly late on.
定位球的执行为球队创造了一些机会 高水准的演出但是后来稍微失去专注
V. Torosidis 3
Did his best to keep Nagatomo from getting to the byeline, and often forced
him back inside. He picked up a late yellow for a poor challenge, though.
尽力让长友远离底线 把他逼回去 虽然赛末吃了张黄牌
I. Fetfatzidis 2.5
Committed silly fouls when chasing back but pulled a good save from Kawashima
late in the first half before being withdrawn.
回追时犯了些愚蠢的规 但是被换下前也挑战了一次川岛
K. Katsouranis 2
Made some poorly-judged challenges which earned him two yellow cards in the
first half and left his side with 10 men for the whole second half.
几次判断不佳的挑战让他上半场吞了两张黄牌 害球队下半场少打一人
G. Maniatis 3.5
Helped protect the defence by restricting the space in front of them where
Honda could have potentially caused damage. He was very strong and quick when
closing the ball.
帮忙保护防线 限缩前面的空间让本田无法造成伤害 强壮且迅速
P. Kone 3
Proved fairly dynamic in midfield as he looked to push the Ethniki forward on
the break whenever possession was won or the ball broke free.
中场很有活力 当赢得球权时会期望能带领球队向前
G. Samaras 2.5
Helped protect Holebas against the marauding runs from deep of Uchida, but
offered very little in terms of attacking intent.
帮忙Holebas挡住内田 但是没什么攻击意图
K. Mitroglou 2.5
The striker received very little service as his team focused on containing
Japan. A knock in the first half meant he could not play past the 35th minute.
球队都在防守所以没什么接受到传输 上半场撞了一下让他只打了35分钟
G. Karagounis 3.5
Replaced Fetfatzidis in the first half and his quality from set plays proved
important with some great corner deliveries. His experience in midfield
helped keep Japan out.
上半场取代了Fetfatzidis 开了几个很棒的角球 他的经验在中场帮忙守下了日本
T. Gekas 3
Replaced Mitroglou in the 35th minute and also received little of the ball.
He forced a great save from Kawashima with a second-half header.
35分钟时替换下Mitroglou 也没什么接到球 下半场一个头锤挑战了川岛