寻找华盛顿DC Au Pair!
之前寄宿家庭的朋友也在寻找au pair,只有一个快满两岁的女儿,该寄宿家庭住在华盛
顿DC,该寄宿家庭非常喜欢台湾文化和台湾食物,也希望au pair可以与小孩讲中文/广东
家里附近交通非常方便,公共汽车和捷运都在附近,寄宿家庭没有提供汽车给au pair使用,
寄宿家庭会到纽约旅行拜访家人,但不会带着au pair。
寄宿妈妈希望能找到一位身体健康强壮的au pair,小孩虽然才两岁但很大一只
Au pair要愿意教导小孩是非对错、礼貌、规矩等等...
Marina will attend preschool in the mornings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days (9-12). I can take Marina to school, and I would like the au pair to pick
her up from school, take her home (10 minutes by bus), feed her lunch and hel
p her take a nap in the afternoon. On Mondays and Fridays, the au pair can tak
e her to "story time" at the library or a children's shop (to the library by b
us or to the shop by bus or a 20-minute walk).
Marina usually takes a nap for one and a half to two hours every afternoon. Sh
e loves listening to music, and our current babysitter reads lots of books to
her everyday, so she talks a lot! Maybe she can learn children's songs in Chin
ese? There is a park not too far from our house (maybe 25 minutes walking, but
its possible to take a bus), so maybe she can go to the park to play in the a
fternoons sometimes.
We usually eat dinner about 7:00, then bedtime is after that.