我把这5.76 无条件转给你
: 其实我也听不是很清楚
: 但我去GOOGLE的结果是
: ...................................................................
: Q. How do I close my account?
: A. If your account has a balance of $0, you may contact our Customer Service
: team to close the account over the phone. The Customer Service team can be
: contacted on 13 13 14 (within Australia) or +61 3 9683 9999 (if calling from
: overseas), 8.00 am to 8.00 pm AEST Monday to Friday.
: If you still have funds in your account, and you are currently in Australia,
: please visit any ANZ branch to close your account.
: ANZ Branch addresses can be located by following the below
: link:www.anz.com/australia/aboutanz/anzservices/anzlocator/default.asp
: If you are currently overseas or unable to attend an ANZ branch, please send
: a written and signed request via post to your ANZ branch. Please ensure you
: include the account number to be closed, your contact details, your
: and instructions regarding the crediting of any remaining funds. Once the
: Branch receives your request, they will be able to close the account for
: If you wish to discuss this further, please contact your branch directly.
: To contact your branch, call ANZ Customer Service and they will connect you.
: Customer Service can be contacted on 13 13 14 during branch hours of 9.00 am
: and 4.30 pm, Monday to Thursday, and 9.00 am and 5.00 pm on Fridays. If you
: are calling from overseas, please call +61 3 9683 9999.
: 所以言下之意就是说,
: 如果帐户里没钱,不管人在哪里,打电话就可以关掉,
: 如果帐户里有钱,人在澳洲,要直接去任何一家分行取消,
: 如果帐户理有钱,人不在澳洲,要写一封信寄给他们要求关掉你的account!(这感觉很
: 烦...)
: .................................................................
: 所以我想说最方便的方法 就是转给别人囉
: 因为也只剩5块多
: 转回来还要扣手续费
: 根本不值得
: 因为当初我去银行关帐户的时候
: 有刷卡金额还没有扣款到
: 所以只剩这个帐户没关到
: 5块多请他们寄支票,邮票都要超过了XD